Minggu, 24 November 2013

Day 8: A Love Letter

                                                                                        To: You ♥

I don't know how to call this a secret or a mystery
by God having sent me into your life.
Since my first time presence in your days,
I'm sure you had designed so many beautiful dreams and hopes.
I really feel blessed for that.

Your sincerity, warmth, 
and everything you had given, gives and will give to me.
Even if I have enough power to chase the whole people
away from this world
and put it to your hands,
I will never be able to repay you.

But, time by time,
It's looked like I start to make you think
why it is not going as your expectation.
I change, 
but you are still the same.

I make thousands mistakes,
you give millions forgiveness.
Please, let me be a little more greedier.
I hope you will be the same,
keep holding my hands.

Don't let me move out of range of your heart,
as you always say,
there's my name in every time you pray.

                                                                              You, Mom and Dad
                                                                                           I Love you

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