Kamis, 21 November 2013

Day 6: What I'm Afraid of

Everybody must be having several things scaring them. It includes me and because I'm human, I think it is not a big matter if I have some fears.

1.  Darkness

Oh my! I can not explain how big my fear to this scary moment is. If many of you will not be able to sleep if the lamp is turning on, I am in the opposite side. I can not sleep in a dark room. That's why when I was sleeping and the power outage was happened, I would wake up in a sudden, anxiously searching my phone to get its light.

It's better if I immediately realized to grope my bed to hold the phone. Because several years ago, I would scream to call my parents to 'help' me. Slept without preparing the charged lamp which had been  positioned at the closest place from me was a big mistake! 

Ever at one night when the power outage suddenly happened. The anxiety attacked me and I forgot which bed side that could be the way to get my feet out of it. I instead reach the bed side against the wall and stupidly I pushed the wall, cried, frustrated. 

Tried to calm down, then I turned my body to find the opposite side and I walked in the dark by holding the wall, very slowly, to reach the bathroom where I called my parents whose bedroom was next to mine. And a tiny speck of light would be my savior.

2.  High Speed

Boy, politely I tell you. If your ideal date is playing and having fun in the amusement park with its killing rides, it's better for me to be honest to you: just leave me! That's all. Full stop.

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