Rabu, 27 November 2013

Day 10: The Places I Wish To Visit

My house is not that far to a beach. But, to be honest I never see the blue colored water sea which allows me to see the sand through the clear water =(. I never go travelling to some place where I will find that kind of landscape. I still love you, Lestari Indah, by the way. hehe. So, here some places I wish to visit someday.

Note: images are from Google

Dari Sabang sampai Merauke, itu lah Indonesia...
From Sabang to Merauke, that is Indonesia...

Beside the beautiful beaches, the other reason why I wish to visit Sabang is to see Indonesia's Monument of Zero Kilometre which is the starting point to measure the width of our beloved country. Sabang is a city located in Weh island. 


Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat means Four Kings. It's not easy to come to this island, beside preparing a huge amount of money, you must be an educated person to be able to enjoy this heaven on earth. That's according to Sapta Norwandar, Indonesia's Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

The efforts to maintain its sustainability is by restricting the diving activities in Raja Ampat. The reason, the temperature released by the diver's body is feared could damage the coral reefs. That's why Sapta Norwandar told that it must be the qualified and educated people visiting Raja Ampat, so they can understand how to behave, not damage the coral reefs. Source.


What a random post! This is the result if an amateur must explain something she never see with her own eyes. No matter what, I have filled the Day-10 homework for 30 days blogging challenge. Lol.

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