Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Day 1: Who Am I?

My name is Lia Agustina Damanik, 23 years young. Damanik is one of so many family names in Batak Simalungun tribe. I live in Perbaungan, one sub-district an hour from Medan, North Sumatra. I was graduated from University of North Sumatra with English Literature as my major. 

I'm an expert in hoping. Hoping everything will happen as I wish. I am a shy to new people but I'm not an anti-social. I think I'm an 85% introvert and the rest is extrovert in me. 

I can be a good listener to any people who tell their problems and secrets but I never do the same. Even I never confide in to my mother. But I can be a good speaker when someone who is more shy than me have difficulty to voice their opinion.

Sometime I prefer to be alone and kinda bothered by the crowd which suddenly approached me.  I only can show my cheerfulness in front of the closest and trustworthy people around me. I'm a cool person and not really care about something which according to me, it is not a big deal.

I love cute stuffs. I love jokes but the smart ones. I will not give any laugh even a small smile with the comedy which took advantage from the weakness of other people. Social phenomenon presented with deep analysis and clear proofs can very easily seize my attention. Only Korean Drama can distract me from that. haha..

Just give me a sincere smile and you will be a kind hearted person in my sight.

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