Rabu, 27 November 2013

Day 11: It's Not Only a Need, But Love

Another lovely topic for this 30 days blogging challenge by Emotional Flutter. We are asked to make a post about our ideal (I prefer to call it favorite) menus for breakfast, lunch, diner and snacks. I eat not only for the reason of my body need, but I love to. I felt happy every time I was served with so delicious foods. And something I'm proud of myself is it's really rare found leftover on my plate! I can differentiate which food is tasty, but I refuse to use the not-tasty one as an excuse to throw the food to garbage. 

But now I am on on-going OCD, so I do not have breakfast and diner. I still cannot increase my Fasting Hours and stay in my current Eat Window. That's the reason why I am not really breakup with my usual weight, maybe. Lol. But, I love food so much! Happy tummy, happy life! haha.

Note: Images are from Google

For breakfast, I always eat rice. Fried rice and Lontong Sayur (veggie rice cake) will be my favorite. The Lontong Sayur is not a dish you can make in only thirty minutes no matter it's only for a breakfast. You must boil the rice cake at least 8 hours to get the perfect texture. So, buy Lontong Sayur from my favorite lontong sayur seller with her pushed cart is the best option. For the drink, usually I got hot sweet tea but mineral water was the most often.



Everyday I have rice as my main menu for the three-times-eat-a-day, I'm truly Indonesian. Here, you have not eaten if it's not rice. Lol. But, if I was not at home or was deliberately looking for food from the roadside stalls or the lovely traditional cuisines pushed carts, the choice would fall on Ayam Penyet (smashed fried chicken) and Meatball noodle.

Ayam Penyet is Indonesian dish consisting rice, fried chicken which had been smashed to make it softer, fried tempe (soybean cake) and tofu, sliced cucumbers and raw cabbage and long beans with the spicy sambal (condiment) which was made with the mixture of chillis, onions, garlics, tomatoes, belacan (a seasoning made ​​from fermented fish and / or rebon shrimp, shaped like a dough or pasta and coloured black-brown) and lime juice.

For the drinks, the spicy dishes need some sweet and refreshing drink. I'll choose ice young coconut and ice lemon tea. For the ice young coconut, I really love if it was added with kasturi juice and liquid brown sugar.


I really like to have Mie Rebus Medan (Medan boiled noodle) and fried Kwetiau for my diner. Back when I was a college student, I and my housemates would walk to Griya to buy Mie Aceh to bring home as our diner. And for the drink, we ordered ice fruit soup. 


I don't really like snacking but I can't resist if you offer me the cup noodle called Pop Mie, chocolate ice cream and Bagelen (bread/bun spread with margarine, sprinkled with granulated sugar and then baked in the oven to dry) from Kartika Sari. haha.

The menus above are not the list I eat everyday. My mother will get mad if I do that unhealthy eating habits. Once in two weeks is enough, I think. *A healthy diet freak will call me crazy*. Lol. My mother serves us daily healthy food for our body. Veggies, fish, meat, or seafood.

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