holat |
Big family from Dad's side come today to have some silaturrahmi. At the same time Dad asked Pak Tua's help to make holat (Simalungun tribe's typical food; grilled chicken neatly placed on a plate) and nitak (made of mashed rice, palm sugar and ginger). In Simalungun tradition, the two cuisines usually used as a 'tool' to convey any intention and hope, from parents to their children. With their two hands holding the plate and together give it while saying what they hope of what their children will achieve, and the child will accept the plate with his two hands too.
I personally do not believe any tradition like that (never tell it to my parents). I just follow what they want and the only thing I love is the holat. It has a very unique taste. Not just anyone who can make it because too many rules to be done. And for the nitak, we are not allowed to taste it to know if we have got the balance flavor or not. We will get nitak just the way it will be in the end. I asked why and nobody can answer. Lol. They just 'threatened' me that I will get diarrhea if I against the rule. And my aunt said that with no kidding -,-"
Don't judge a book by its cover. I myself feel that picture is so disgusting. But it tastes something you'll never imagine till you really try it. Nyamz!!
Don't judge a book by its cover. I myself feel that picture is so disgusting. But it tastes something you'll never imagine till you really try it. Nyamz!!
I don't like the nitak. Too sweet in my taste. And before eat it, I
This is the secret for holat. Never think it's slices of smoked meat, okay. It's the slices of bark called sitkam tree. Nobody in this house can tell me how to call sitkam in Bahasa so, yeah.. -,-"// The slices would be mashed and then squeezed the water. The juice which will be used in holat.
Continue with briefly relax in the beach. Lebaran atmosphere is still in the air and it made the people who felt the right to charge people to enter the beach be so stubborn. They gave so unreasonable price; 13k rupiahs for each person and there were 12 people in our group. We are local people! Moreover we came in the afternoon when many people had been out of there. Brother negotiated to give 20k rupiahs or we went to other beach. The people gave me LOL for accepting the price. huahahaha.
This stupid kid, just like her Dad is so afraid of big water. The reason: afraid of drowning. Though she had the life ring, she still didn't want to join her cousins into the water. She preferred to play with the life ring on the sand -,-"
That holat thingy looks really scary... And kinda trashy. But I remember one thing people say about Indonesian food: the more horrible it looks, the greater it tastes. Lol.
BalasHapusThe beach is toooo narrow, and it reminds me of Ancol somehow.
masyaallah...tega banget kok anak2 BE ini..mbok ya dikasih translet toh ya :(
BalasHapusyang pasti itu makanan kayaknyaenak banget..jadi laper lagi
BalasHapusThat holat is yummy. You can not just get it easily though you fly from Malang to Medan just to give it a try. Lol
BalasHapusAku dah pernah coba pasang widget penerjemah dan menurutku wujud widget itu benar-benar jelek. I hate it! haha..
muaap pak..
mbakk aku bingung mbaakkkk bahasanya terlalu susah nihh huhu, aku cm tau intinya, ini tentang suatu tradisi kann??tradisi apa sih?aku bingung mbak :( itu foto paling atas apaan mbak???
BalasHapusIya, makanan khas dari suku Simalungun.
Yang diatas itu makanan enak. hahaha./
itu gambar makanan yang pertama itu, terbuat dari apa? kok asik gitu bentuknya kak? :o
BalasHapusmakanan yg bawah2 itu keliatannya enak. Tp gue ngeri sama holatnya :(
BalasHapusholat, makanan khas simalungun?
BalasHapusbentuknya gak biasa gitu ya, penasaran dengan rasanya
gak pernah gue ketemu makanan kek gitu
BalasHapusItu ayam bakar dek. Tapi bumbu yang gak biasa. Enak deh
BalasHapusKalo kamu nyobain holatnya, pasti makanan yang kelihatan enak itu gak ada apa-apanya deh.. haha
BalasHapusIya, agak ekstrim makanannya. haha
Oh Medan. Tapi keliatannya serem yah makanannya.. gitu aja deh, bingung mau ngomong apa????
BalasHapusduh, kok tampilan makanannya aneh2 yah hehe
BalasHapusaku belum pernah ngeliat makanan kayak gitu loh, apalagi ngerasainnya. belum pernah... *hiks*
Agak gimana gitu ngeliat gambar holatnya, itu yakiiiin enak? penasaran. Tapi rada gimana gitu wehehe-_-
BalasHapusmasih suasana lebaran khan,
BalasHapusjadi nggak apa2 kan kalo aku mohon dimaaafkan lahir batin kalau aku ada salah dan khilaf selama ini,
back to zero again...sambil lirik kiri kanan nyari ketupat....salam :-)
@Kak Lia: Don't judge a book by its cover. I myself feel that picture is so disgusting. But it tastes something you'll never imagine till you really try it. Nyamz!!
BalasHapusJadi pengen nyobain holatnya.. :V
Like that beach and your holat. :D
BalasHapusThis is very nice. May be, tomorrow you will make a book from this blog. Caio :D
I never eat holat.
BalasHapusCan u give a free holat for me?
Нå.=D. нå. =D. нå. =D нå
would you like to make some holat for me too?? i kinda feel like i'm hungry enough to eat one plate full holat tonight.. hahaa.. never mind, im just get crazy some... but, is holat is really food?? looks so strange for me.. haha