Kamis, 23 Januari 2014


 Went to Siboras last Sunday to attend the invitation from family living in Siboras. That's a palm oil plantation which had the type of soil that will be very sticky when wet season comes. The soil is like clay. The climbing and descending road contour made everything worst. It should be an enjoyable trip to a relatives house. We saw greenish landscape in both right and left side.

 Putri the nagging queen was frightened. We decided to walk waiting to be picked up.

On our walk, found this which I think was fish's egg. It turned out it was weasel's dung. Black seeds attached to it were papaya seeds. My aunt explained, that's why sometimes we found papaya trees in the forest. So I concluded, weasels have contributed to the reforestation.

She is my favorite cousin after Noni. She is so coquettish. Always nags. She is so confident, always says what a beautiful girl she is. She can't stop talking. No matter how we tell her to stop talking, it will not work. She loves singing and praising herself what a fluty voice she has. She is the most noisy kid I ever met. Besides, she loves eating so much!!

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