Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Balam, Are You My Future? 2

I told my parents I will try to begin a brand new life in Balam. They told me not to worry about the water and food-needs problems. There must be some people whom can be paid to bring us that water. About the food-needs, it's impossible if there is no veggies seller selling around the housing. So I don't need to go to the market which opens only several days a week. The family there looked like buying their food-needs for a week suplies since the market is.. so far. Ugh! 

Moreover my parents added they will give me a visit regularly for sure.To give me more spirits, daddy came to his office where he used to work (he is a pensioner of one of a state-owned enterprises which run the cacao plantation) to get his monthly salary slip, in order to give me an explanation how lucky I am, do not need to start from the lowest level like most people did.

There, I don't need to rent a house since it is provided by the company. Electricity is a luxury but it's free. There's no cost for public transportation because the school where I will teach is near my designate house. It means I can save more money. 


My mother has prepared everything she knows I will need. Kitchen equipments, eating utensils, bathroom fixtures to my clothing needs; for washing and ironing. Everything! Even she has prepared the cleaning tools for the house, inside and yard.

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