Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Day 17: Dinners With Them

I think I will stop this 30 days blogging challenge but I'm sure I still have the chance to finish it. hehe. The topic for today is with whom we want to have some dinners includes the menus. I'll also choose the people (randomly) from other countries (some of whom are popular people) with the menus which instead of being favorite meals, they are something I can only see the pictures from Google. But at least I ever heard about the foods from some dramas. hehe.

Bondan Winarno
He is the one who pioneered a very well known culinary tour community in Indonesia. Every food no matter how we imagine it will taste, will look so delicious if it is eaten by him. Moreover if he uttered his characteristically expression "Pokoke maknyus!". Hmm.. He can influence people to think they should open their door and go anywhere to find those foods. Lol. I want to ask him to have this as our dinner:


Mie Rebus Medan and orange juice. Yes, I'm a roadside food lover. About this one, I can explain the food in detail. It's one of my forever-favorite cuisine. Mie Rebus Medan is a stick noodles (the white one) served with the thick sauce made of shrimps, palm sugar, galangal, lemongrass, onions and garlics, bay leaves, and other unsayable seasonings. With boiled potatoes and egg, fried tofu and traditional red-and-white crackers and hot water-dipped bean sprouts as the complement. Add cayenne paste to balance the sauce sweetness and sprinkle with fried onions and celery. Orange juice is just the best partner to me.

Mario Maurer
Thailand's signature cuisine Tom Yum and iced watermelon drink (Nam Dang-Mu Pan) as the drink. I prefer the Tom Yum with rice of course. 


Lee Min Ho
Bulgogi with rice and mineral water is enough I think. As South Korea is very well known for its Soju.


My friend, Fani
Fani is so into Italian foods. And the easiest way to find the Halal one in Medan is Pizza Hut for sure. I'll choose black pepper fettuccine for me and lasagna for her. For the drink, she rarely sees the drinks on the list. She will ask if there is any avocado drink or not and she will order it. And I will order Blue Ocean.


My Cousin, Noni
She my best cousin and best partner in enjoying foods in Es Teler 77. Baso super spesial jumbo (special super jumbo meatballs) for me and Mie ayam bakso (meatballs chicken noodles) for her. For the drink, we never turn from the Es Teler.


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