Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story

I'd spent my modem quota to download games in order to be my entertainment if I will stay in Balam. Human have plans but God is the determinant. I'd had the games but I still stay in this house (thank God) due to the postponement of my duty date from the head office. (I love the fact that finally I will have a proper job, but this postponement is like a chance to be close to my lovely parents 2 months longer). I had wanted to play this games long ago and ever bought the DVD to be installed but, hey! That was actually a so frustrating one hour trial game. The whole games in the DVD were trials! Pfftttt.

They are the happy couple Danielle Hunt with her ​​husband Samuel Hunt. In the middle of a joyful night, came a box sent out of nowhere in front of their door. Sam came out to see it and instantly he disappeared. Danielle panicked and checked what the actual contents of the box was. There was a doll in it and it's hard to believe, the doll was alive and able to speak. The doll said that he would help Danielle to find her husband. The Doll also suggested Danielle to visit the house where Sam ever lived in his childhood, but before leaving, Danielle found files describing Sam ever had experienced strange experiments in time he was a boy.

Small accidents that happened during her drive finally took Danielle to a place where little Sam ever lived. There he met a little boy who looked like Sam. His name was Jimmy. Jimmy gave her a dollhouse that would explain to Danielle what actually ever and will happen. In the dollhouse, Little Sam seemed to have a paranormal ability and his parents who were both witches couple who died from a stranger when Sam was 8 years old. Seen also a little girl and a clown.

Danielle began her search. Starting from Sam's childhood home, followed to the police station who had handled Sam's family murder case. There she found the body of a policeman who tied by chain until he died. The police soul said the killer was Samuel Hunt, her husband.

Then she returned to Sam's childhood home, a phone rang and there was a voice of women who told Sam was in danger. The lady on the phone said Danielle had to go to the toy shop that was near the orphanage where Sam had been treated after his parents died. There was also a strange record that described something scary ever happened there that made the children at the orphanage tried to escape through the tunnel that connected the home with the toy shop. At the toy shop, Danielle met a clown soothing her by saying Sam was a good boy. So it was highly unlikely if he's a killer.

Danielle found a hole that led to a bigger room. There was the one she found her husband. Sam looked being hanged with chain in a huge cage. Danielle re-encountered the clown who promised to help her to put out Sam. But instead of helping, the clown was someone evil. He actually pushed her into the cage and Danielle knew the one that hung on was not Sam but a mannequin.

Danielle managed to free herself and came back to see Jimmy. Jimmy said he had locked the door of the orphanage so that the clown could not master it. Danielle had to find the key that was buried in an amusement park. There he found a newspaper article about the arrest of the orphanage director on charges of conducting weird experiments on children. He was the man who killed Sam's parents and took him to the orphanage. Danielle also met a girl named Kim. Kim turned out to be Sam's sister but she forgot about everything, including about herself.

Danielle finally found her husband. Something strange looked in front of her eyes. Sam was seen sitting next to the clown on a chair that looked like an experimental tool. The clown would kill Sam. Danielle had to do something immediately. He found that strange graveyard using scrap tires as a headstone and it turned out that something buried in it was the clown body which should be immediately burned or if not, he will lose Sam forever.

Before they left the city, the dollhouse explained the whole story which was stored in it. Sam's parents were good witch couple who fight evil spirits and locked them in a chest. However, the orphanage director who knew Sam's paranormal abilities, sent a box containing a toy clown who then killed his parents and released the evil spirits of the chest. There was the one took Sam with the aim of making him as an experimental objects. But something went wrong and Sam was divided into two parts: the good Jimmy and the evil clown. Kim managed to hide, gathered all the forces of good which were still left in the house and made it into the shape of a doll that had helped Danielle. And it turned out, before he destroyed the clown to stop the evil demon attack, the police already capturing the director and he himself died in a prison cell by his own creation.

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