Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Day 18: Win My Heart

There are 5 simple ways to catch my attention:

Sincere Smile
I will guess people are giving me a sincere smile or just-only one. For me, a sincere smile is smiling with your eyes. Not something that you do with just lift one of your lip corners and left the other still in its place. Keep it for several seconds and face-to-my face till you end your smile. 

Good Speaker
I am kinda shy when meet new people. That's why I will really thank if those new people are good speakers, so they will be the ones that start the conversation. I am a good listener but hating to be asked so many questions in adjacent time. I also really get pissed off by the same questions been asked more than twice. But, ask me to listen to the your whole story only without asking if I have any opinion is more annoying.

Keep Your Promises
To be honest, I'm a forever-kid. Don't you ever try to say any promise to me. I can't hear a promise. I will take it seriously and never forget to request you to make your promise to be a realization. Lol.

Good Foods
Haiya. I love to eat so much. I had said this several times, I can enjoy foods though they are not tasty at all. How can I resist if you give me so yummy foods?

Cute Stuffs
I smile every time I see cute stuffs. Feel the happiness when touch them. I can't bear to ignore them. I'll fly if you give them to me. You are a pro if you give them to me in pink.

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