Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Just Looked Around: Pajak Ikan

The first destination for us after getting off the train after reaching Medan Train Station was Pajak Ikan/ Pasar Ikan (Fish Market) and we reached it on foot because it was not so far from the station. But never imagine you would find so many kinds of fish included the sellers in that very old market. Pajak Ikan (people in Medan are more familiar with ‘pajak’ to mention market than ‘pasar’ like the most people in Java or other cities in this country) is the central for textile trade in Medan. You could find any kind of clothes there. With not so wide area, you need not walk so long to find your needs. Every rows had so many shops whether big or small which would help you to find what you want. We visited it because one of Yutri’s friend asked her to buy a... how I call it? a kind of veil to cover head but it was more like a hat. We found it. But there was no one that closed to what she wanted so we didn’t buy it. 
 As the plan, I wished I could take some pictures of beautiful Songket, Batik, Ulos, brocade, or at least colorful fabrics or clothes for prayer. But I couldn’t. Because I felt it was really impolite if I entered their shop just to snap some pictures then just go like nothing happened. While pretending to buy something so I could do what I wanted to, I was not that confidence. And that day, the market was so crowded so it was really hard to get good photos. Too many people passing by and the day was so hot. So I just got these random absurd pictures. 
 The peak crowd in this market was near to feast of Idul Fitri There will be so many Muslims buy stuffs for our biggest day here. Even there were some Zam-zam water sellers here. Read this for more info about the water.
According to A Po, an ethnic Chinese who had been selling in the market for 47 years, quoted by antarasumut.com confirmed that Pajak Ikan used to be used as the fish sales center by the fishermen from Belawan that brought their fish by barge passed Deli river.

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