Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Just Looked Around: Perbaungan Train Station

Almost 18 years I had lived in this city, the first time I knew if there was a train station here was last year when I picked up my sister’s friend, Kak Dina, who came from Kisaran to stay for one night before they went to Singapore. And almost 23 years I live in this world, the first time for me to boarded the train was.. Today.
I never had a destination which need to use train before and it was not the major transportation in our city. Even the station here was only a really small one. That’s why I never knew about its existence that made people gave me a strange sight.
So, what destination I had today that made me boarded the train?
Auliya, whose mom is an administrative in a kindergarten in this city, asked me and Yutri to join the school annual activity. Once a year, the school held an outdoor activity like visiting a new place or something. And the theme for this year is boarding the train.
Yutri and me decided to join them. With the number of almost 300 people included students and their parents and siblings, the teachers and the strangers like us jostled in that small station. And we had to wait almost 1,5 hours. Even the kids who in the start were very excited like singing ‘naik kereta api.. tut.. tut.. tut’ till squatted because of tired and bored for standing so long.
Sellers of food, drink, coloured book, plastic fan, get more profits because of the crowded station.
And finally the train came..
Yeahhh.. LOL
Inside it, there were many food and drink sellers alternately walking to offer their merchandises to passengers. And Auliya, Nurul (her cousin) and me bought fried bird (I don’t know what kind of bird it was. I only know it was yummy LOL) and Yutri bought fried noodle and also two bottles of mineral water. We really enjoyed the short trip LOL.
The students would have a competition with other school from same city in a park near the station. 
And us?
Impossible if we also joined it, right? So we had our own destination.
Pajak Ikan and Merdeka Walk
Because our only purpose was just looked around.
When I was a child, there was a guess game called ‘what is it’?
The mother is sewing,
The father is smoking,
And the baby is crying.
What is it?
The spinning tires are the sewing (old style sew machine which used feet help)
The smoke are the smoking and the train sound was the crying baby.
Please don't ask how it has relation to mother, father and baby.
Because I found the question more or less 13 years ago and maybe the question's age was older than that LOL

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