Senin, 11 Maret 2013

A Visit For Chang's Daddy

 Yesterday, me, Yutri and Auliya visited Chang’s dad in Medistra Hospital in Lubuk Pakam. We had planned it more than two weeks but because of the lack of our schedules, we couldn’t do it. And it made our ‘theory’ always proven: sometimes,  something without any plan will end with good result
The night before, I texted Auliya if she had a plan on Sunday or not because I wanted to ask her to go to somewhere but she just suggested to visit Chang’s dad, I happily said yes but she continued her message : ‘we go on morning so we can back earlier because I have a business’. Which meant I couldn’t ask her to hangout. She also mentioned Yutri needed to back earlier because she should attend her relative’s party. The dashed expectations!menunggu
But Auliya then told that she cancelled her plan and could be with us till afternoon. So I just said yes and in the next morning, I went to Majestyk where Yutri had waited for me to buy some cakes for Chang’s dad and we went by motorbikes. Me with Yutri and Auliya was alone. But she had taken a helmet to be used by Chang later. But, before they started their motorbikes, I said that in this good chance we could join completely, why we didn’t go to beach like we planned before. Auliya agreed so we provoked Yutri not to join her relative’s party
Arrived to Medistra, I read again Chang’s message about her dad’s room. Ya Allaah.. The third floor! Struggling! When entering the room we shook Chang’s mom’s hand and also her dad’s and then.. I almost cry looked at her dad’s condition. I just imagine when he was in a good healthy. To block my tears drop, I talked to my girls and initially Yutri and Auliya had the same feeling and reaction with me
And we could control the sad atmosphere by talking with her mom and finally laugh a lot. Her mom said that we keep our friendship although had graduated from senior high even from college. Of course! We love each otherpeluk erat
But Chang had not graduated until nowtertawa
Something we didn’t talk clearly was when we said about our plan to go to beach. We didn’t want Chang’s mom to hear it. And the chance to whisper came when the nurse came into the room. Sorry, mom. Whereas her mom had asked if we wanted to go to play so Chang wanted to go home faster than usual but we said no. Ohh. It had been almost 1 year her dad fights his disease. Hopefully the family get the bestmalaikat
Out from the hospital, we passed its back way and saw a mini green park. So.. what else?
Took camera and then.. pose..
Not so clear..
The red Yutri, The yellow Auliya and The purple Me..
Before went to beach, we ate meatball and then came to my home to had prayer and took the helmets. And then we went to Lestari Beach.

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