Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Senior High Nostalgia

Before going to beach, I asked Yutri to turn left her motorbike to our Senior High School, SMA Negeri 1 Perbaungan. And luckily the gate was opened so we could enter the school area. There were some changes of course. We had graduated from the school in 2008, more than 4 years. But our class position, XII Ilmu Alam 1 (Science Class) still in the same like when it was still used by us. Near the teacher entrance gate. It was the class which really alert not to be noisy because we were the closest class to Headmaster's office but the fact was we were one of the most noise classes at that time

We entered the class and the wall colour had changed. We sit the chair where we used to sit when we were the students in the school. Me and Chang shared the same table in the first line and Yutri and Auliya in the second. I had known Chang and Auliya since we were in Junior High because we attended the same school and knew Yutri in the first grade of Senior High. In the first grade, we four were separated in different class and met in the same class in second grade where we should choose our department. I don’t remember how we could get closer. I just know I can be how the way I am when I’m with my girlsmelamun

Initially Chang’s true name was Laila. A sweet name, right? But there was a very wellknown song at the time entitled ‘Laila Canggung’ or 'Awkward Laila' so we called her ‘cang’. Add ‘h’ to make it unique. Because what? She is the most unique girl among our friends. We also had the ‘not less weird’ name than Chang. Me was called Kebo (Buffalo or can be heavy curly), Yutri was called Wak Ute or ‘Uncle Ute’ (it’s also a title of wellknown but ridiculous song) and Auliya was called Au-au. It’s like your name is Patricia but your friends make ‘pet’ as your nicknametertawa
But we had called each other with the weird nicknames for more than 6 years so it had been ingrainedwaduh!

The field where we used to have calisthenics every morning except Monday because it was for Monday flag raising ceremony and Friday because it was the time for cleaning up.
Posed behind podium.

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