Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

A Bad Day Out

What an unlucky day!!
Like what I wrote in my previous post that today I came to my faculty to legalize my academic transcript and yes I did it. But I didn’t straight to my faculty because I stopped by ‘RAHMAT’ International Wildlife Gallery first to look around. Rahmat here is the same one in my Unexpected Trip. I was alone and sometime, if it’s possible to go out alone, I prefer to do it than accompanied by my friends. Because I know what I want to but I can’t force it to the others. I should follow my friends’ wish after they did it to me. And I hate waiting but more hate if being waited. That’s why I always be the first come on time which often ending by me waiting the others! LOL
Together is better, okay!
And I love being accompanied by my besties (even need it)..
 It’s my first time visit the gallery because before, I thought a place like that was suit for school students only. But I’m wrong! Entered the room, me was amazed with what I saw. But everything was suddenly became a mess visiting. We’re allowed to take camera but no flash. First, I thought it’s okay because they didn’t allow camera some times ago and we’ll get charged if get caught taking photo inside. So I got so many damn bad pictures >,< because inside was kinda dark while flash was forbidden. Okay! It’s not the main reason. I should admit:
~I have a very bad amateur photography skill. But if only they had good lightening not only for several parts of the building maybe I could get better picts. I love sun.. I love sun.. I love sun.. Sun light makes my picts much much better. If only I brave enough to use flash without getting caught, but CCTV was everywhere. LOL. And I don’t have a sense to choose a good angle to get a good pict.

~My poor shook hands made everything got worst. Yes. My hand always shake don’t know why and it caused I often got blur photos. But I love you, my hands. It’s not your fault.

The other bad thing:
The gallery starts opening at 9 am so I came earlier wished I would be the first visitor to get my private gallery or at least there were only few people inside. The second mistaken! There was a big group of kindergarten kids came before me. Me was happy when the teachers collected their students so they would go out of there but it kept to continue to elementary kids and senior high students entered the gallery. The kids were screaming and running. Even they passed comfortably in front of me who was trying to get a pict. 

Tired of looking around the gallery and the noisy of the kids, I went out to go to my faculty and I was so hungry. No, not hungry but hunger. Ugh.. Jealous with the kids happily eating ice cream, bread or satay, standing and talking with their group and teachers. Me miss my besties if the situation was like that. LOL
Arrived to my campus, I saw some banners outside my faculty gate entrance. I had bad feeling “it’s like I won’t get my business done today’. It was Bunkasai, Japanese Department's anniversary. And it’s true. I couldn’t get my copied academic transcript legalized today but I’m sure it was not because of Bunkasai. I don’t know why and stupid me didn’t ask the reason. The administrator just told me to comeback on Monday and I will get it on Tuesday! What the... She thinks it's as cheaper as buying soft drink to reach there from my home? *my wallet cries*

So I stepped to canteen as I couldn’t stand with my hunger. If I’m still a student, I will not that confidence to eat alone there. LOL.
Ordered fried rice and ice sweet tea.
so yummy.. 
Talk about Bunkasai, we ever joined the Photo with Yukata  in 2010..

Based on hijab color: 

Blue = Umi Shinta
Light red = Dek Wilda
Black = Me
Light brown = Sitti the Silence 
Mirabella red = Mbak Fani
The belt on our stomach was tied so tight. Ugh!

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