Selasa, 19 November 2013

Day 4: Those 5 Lucky Stars

Seriously I never be a fan. Too many people admire a bunch of people with certain abilities and talents what they called idols nowadays. They are very fond of what their idols did, follow what they wear and make it a trend. They kinda faith, too.

I myself sometimes like them; some people with certain talents. But I'd rather use 'favourite' instead of 'idolize'. I follow news about them but it doesn't affect my emotion. They are happy, I felt it's nice to see others' happiness. They stricken by some big problems, oh, hopefully they can solve them. They made hits, I think the hard efforts were worth it. If they were failed, I think they should practice more.

But that's not because I 'favourite' them, but it's just a human nature in me. That's the same feeling I gave to common people around me. And never hope I'll be as faith as those fans. Because I won't.

So here they are the 5 lucky stars. Lol.

1.  Ralph Fiennes

How can this handsome man had been being that ugly He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Voldemort, the leader of Death Eaters? But the You-Know-Who was a great role. He was not too often appeared but just mentioning his name could appall people in Hogwarts.

2.  Vin Diesel

Saving Private Ryan, The Fast and The Furious and xXx sequels. But I like him the most in The Pacifier where he must be a babysitter for the Plummer kids. Lol.

3.  Wallace Huo 

I knew him when one private TV channel in this country aired At The Dolphin Bay where he gave a role as Xiao Gang, a music director and another TV channel aired 100% Senorita where he was as Wei Xiang who must find the girl he loved whose face had facelift by a madman and her identical twin sister could not change his feeling.

4.  Belinda Peregrín Schüll

It was a telenovela which made me and so many elementary school-ers at that time were very excited to wait the school ended. We rushed to go home and bring the lunch to eat in front of TV. It was ¡Amigos X Siempre! I love Ana Capistrán Vidal, a role by her in ¡Amigos X Siempre!. Her smile + her beautiful clear eyes = girl's envy.


5.  Anna Maria Orozco

You know Betty La Fea, right? I like her character in that telenovela. A story of an ugly woman ended by a happy ending with the perfect guy. Even the opening soundtrack was very entertaining.

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