Kamis, 28 November 2013

Day 12: Favorite TV Shows

Yeayyy.. I have entered the twelfth day of 30 days blogging challenge by Emotional Flutter. Topic for this Day-12 is about my favorite TV shows. I have some and I'm really sure most of you will list them as the favorite shows of yours, too. tee hee.

Kick Andy
It's a talkshow by Andy F. Noya in Metro TV. How to talk in this program is similar to the way in Oprah by Oprah Winfrey. Kick Andy began broadcasting on March 1, 2006 to present. This event presents informative, educational and inspiring real-life stories. Guests are presented is not limited by profession, so many exciting stories about the lives of people throughout Indonesia. In demeanor, host Kick Andy has unique character and language style. In each of the question points that are direct asked sarcastically but instead inviting laughter, and the speaker feel comfortable when answering questions. Like its predecessor Oprah, Kick Andy always handing out free best seller books written by the famous writers. Source.

I have the two most memorable episodes from Kick Andy. The first one is the episode of Jugun Ianfu where the speakers were Mardiyem and Emah who were the victims of Japanese colonial violence who were still alive at that time (4-5 years ago if I'm not mistaken). That episode had opened my eyes that there are some things I never know about our national history. I never find any explanation about Jugun Ianfu in any book of History class I had when I was a school student. But my younger blogger friend told that he ever found about Jugun Ianfu in his History textbook.

Jugun Ianfu (従軍慰安婦) is a term used to refer to women who are victims of sexual slavery during World War II in the Japanese colonies and war zones. The women were forced to be satisfying the sexual needs of Japanese troops in Indonesia and also in other countries colonized by Japanese during the period 1942-1945. Source.

And the second is the episode which I forget what the title and when the episode aired is. Kick Andy invited Lt. Commander Alfredo. What makes me most remember this episode is where the interview held was never being revealed. Because at that time, Alfredo was a fugitive of Timor Leste Government. Even Timor Leste's president at that time, Xanana Gusmao, officially issued the arrest warrant of Alfredo, dead or alive. There was only black cloth as the background of the interview.

On The Spot

Knowing the variety of unique information from different parts of this world is the main attraction served by On The Spot. This informative program presents so many important, unique, entertaining and educational information which sometimes are unthinkable by us before. Accompanied by mild description and short video or pictures courtesy of YouTube, the most unique things sorted in terms of segment 7 versions of On The Spot. Like 7 most deadly viruses, 7 mysteries had been revealed, 7 most sadistic murders, 7 most mysterious dolls,  7 full of mystery songs.

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