Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Day 13: This 2 Years

There is no any big change I can make in the period of this 2 years. The most substantial of course I could finish my S1 belonging timely. But it is less able to be recognized as a success because until now, I have not found a place that would accept my service in commensurate exchange called a salary.

Maybe I'm too picky. S1 turns out to be an unwritten rule, which I claim myself to be able to get a job that most people called "decent job" for S1. Though there is still no provision for what categories to show a decent profession for S1 too for sure, right? There are, anyway. The dogma from our community! And I've already swallowed it, so be patient with the opportunity to get what is called a proper job is the only thing I can do. Do not want to be a hypocrite as well. I did very little effort.

In this two years, I also began to understand as the name: the treatments that we give to other people, have a major influence on any outcome that we receive from any intention we want to do. So I started to learn to control the nature of my  easily angry. Yes, despite good intentions certainly be an easy target for the devil to ruin. haha. Every time it came for me to do some good intentions, there's always temptation that made me really hard for restrain anger.

Patient.. Patient..
It's my biggest target.

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