Sabtu, 16 November 2013

30 Days Blogging Challenge

It's an interested challenge held by Emotional Flutter to write 30 posts in 30 days with the determined topics for each day  by him. It's a good thing if we can write those posts in 30 days in a row, but if we can not, we can still write them by jumping some days (if we are too busy) as long as we keep putting that post includes in the day sequence along with its day's topic. Nevertheless, it also has a deadline. The challenge close January 31st 2014. It's a long time, right? The challenge itself prizes these:
  • Rising blog post number;
  • Increasing blog visitors and traffic, and also blogger friends;
  • Gaining our writing ability.
And how about if we do not want to continue it? It's no problem. It's actually a challenge from, by and to ourselves. So everything we decide to do in this challenge only impact us.

And I will take it.

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