Jumat, 18 April 2014

Marley & Me

Read this book to kill my boredom while waiting Noni went home from teaching. I read the book in Indonesian version. It turned out this book took my one day to focus only to it. I knew for a bookworm, spent a day to finish a 297 pages book is nothing. But for me it is something. John was successfully bring my imagination to condition myself being in the Grogan family. It's completely a sequential chronology. From the cute yet brave puppy, truly active 'teenage' to a sad sickly old dog. 

I smiled and laughed when reading the cute, naughty and funny moment by that dog which were written so cleverly by John. And I cried. Yes, seriously I cried when reading the old Marley was 'put to sleep' since he was too old to go under the medical procedure. And smiled again to read how that family could finally accept their dog's gone. A dog which could destroy their new home needing 30 years to finish its installment payment.

They kept taking care of their dog though they almost could buy a mini yacht with the money spent to repair the damage caused by Marley. But for them, there was no yacht was willing to wait and welcome them home everyday throughout 13 years. A professional dog trainer who believed in there was no dog could not be trained, there was only unlucky owner who didn't know how to act, gave up on Marley. Even there's a vet advised John to 'put to sleep' Marley, the softer words to say lethal injection, because of that dog's really bad behaviors.

Something new I found from this book is, a 13 years old dog is equal to a 91 years old human. Marley's friendliness also had thaught me that dogs owned by some of my friends and relatives which always eagerly barked at me, everytime I visited their homes, maybe just trying to be friendly with me. But I'm sure, most of them are not that friendly. Lol.

Marley & Me

It's a touching and unforgettable story about the formation of a family and a neurotic dog who taught them about the important things in life.

John and Jenny just starting their domestic life. They were young and falling in love, with a perfect little house and without meaningful concern to the world. Armed with advice from his father how to test which one was the bravest among the puppies, they brought home Marley, a yellow-haired dogs which could not stay still. Their lives would never be the same too.

Marley soon grew to be a Labrador retriever weighing 97 pounds that was ready bumping into anything. What an unrivaled dog. He penetrated the wind door, bite the wall caused holes, throwing drool to the guests, stole women's panties and took almost all of the objects that could be achieved, including sofas and jewelry. Obedience school did not bring result; Marley was expelled from the school, as well as sedatives given by vet with a message: "Do not hesitate to use these drugs".

However Marley had pure heart. Just as he was happily reject all restrictions provided for behavior. His love and loyalty did not know enough. Marley shared the happiness with John and Jenny at her first pregnancy, and their grief when Jenny had miscarriage. Marley was there when babies finally present in their family and screaming from the stabbing victim who was a seventeen girl heard in the dark night. 

Marley shut down the beach to the public and managed to get a role in a movie, and he always won the hearts of the people around him while he did not stop making a mess. With all the mischief, Marley stay faithful and be an example for a model of devotion, even when the family taking care of him was facing difficult times. Unconditional love, this family would finally understand, came in a variety of forms.

What I really want to convey is how this animal had touched our souls and taught us some important lessons in our lives. A person can learn a lot from the naughty dog like ours. Marley taught me about how to live my days with passion and joy, about grasping the opportunities that came and following my heart. He taught me to appreciate the simple things in life; a walk in the forest, snowfall, a nap in the sun of winter. And while he was getting old and sick, he taught me about optimism in the face of challenges. Above all, he taught me about friendship and eliminate the ego, and above all, loyalty indefinitely. All of this is an amazing concept that I, only now after his death, could absorb fully: Marley is the mentor. As a teacher and role model. Is it possible a dog - any dog, but especially dog is very wild and can not be controlled such as ours, shows people things that are really important in life? I believe the answer is YES. Loyalty. Courage. Devotion. Simplicity. Excitement. And things are not important as well . Dog does not need a big house or a nice car or designer clothes. Status symbol does not mean anything to him. A piece of wood is enough for him. A dog does not judge people based on color, belief or class but by what is in their hearts. A dog does not care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or stupid. Give your heart and he will give his heart to you. Simple as that. However, we are human beings, who are much more sensible, always difficult to judge which ones are necessary and which ones are not. -- John Grogan

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