Minggu, 13 April 2014

Asam Kumbang Crocodile Farm

Visited Asam Kumbang last week with Noni. By riding our motorcycle to Jl.Bunga Raya II No. 59 Sunggal , Medan Selayang sub-district, Medan, North Sumatra. Lona suggested us to reach that farm at 4 in the afternoon since that's the schedule for those reptiles to eat. The ticket to enter that farm cost Rp 6k for each.

Wanna join them?

Entering the main gate, we were welcomed by so smell and fishy aroma which was so eww. And really shocked for suddenly face-to-face with the crocodiles if we looked toward to the right because that's the only option. There's only wall in the left side after the entrance. Lol.

I'm not sure what they were doing. I hope that's not something indecent. Lol.

The crocodile farm was started in 1959 by Lo Than Mok, built on a land area of 2 hectares. In 2011, it's recorded there were 2700 live crocodiles that were placed in an artificial lake at the farm. The access to Asam Kumbang is fairly easy and can be passed by all the transport equipments available in Medan such as public transportation, tricycles and motorcycles and cars.

No, those are not floating wood pieces. Throw some duck heads and they will open their jaw widely and show off their canines

I don't know if the meal was failed to satisfy 'him' (all the crocodiles look as male in my sight) or 'he' was indeed had got fully tummy, no matter what that duck carcass in 'his' mouth was so disgusting. It looked like they eat duck almost everyday.

I saw a banner explained we could see a show of the friendship of a crocodile with a monkey by paying Rp 50k. A crazy price. I can remember when I was a kid, I saw monkey sit comfortably in the crocodile's mouth in some zoo and it's free. Oh, maybe we will be entertained something more special with that Rp 50k.

The oldest crocodile, 40 years old. It's the biggest as well.

If we want to feed the crocodiles with a living duck, we can buy it cost Rp 30k. If you really want to serve that reptile fresh meat, maybe you are kind of a lover, please don't make it as an entertainment. Seriously I'm not a victim of Babe or other animal movies which show how animals are like us, humans, have feeling and family they want to be with, like at least as long as they can.

The visitors, included Noni who was ready with her phone camera -,-", surrounded the cage where one of them threw a living duck to feed one crocodile occupies that cage. They waited impatiently to see the crocodile pounce that sad duck. That duck could only stand in the corner while the ugly predator slowly but I guess it's a sure movement, approaching its prey. I know the vegetarians considered us, meat eaters, are not really different with those crocodiles. But we eat the ducks decently. We slaughter them in the right way and.. Okay. Everything has each portion.

What's happened with your tail, Crocs?

I know that smell and fishy are not something which can be overcome that easily. It's not a goldfish farm where the management and the team can move the fish to other place while they drain and clean the artificial pond. But there is no crocodile in the dry ground. They should repair the broken swings and others. And those snakes, I'm sure it's a really bad decision to put that big boa (if I'm not mistaken) in a narrow and dark cage.

5 komentar

  1. First time I heard that name, Asam Kumbang :D
    Sound like Sour Beetle XDD ahaha :D

    btw that croc looks so weird landing on other croc.. seem like... errr.. ahahahaha...

    Oh My God!! that green lake?? btw is it lake? or pond? so scary... full of crocs...

    ikr... crocodile seems like all male not female and male.. ahahaha XDD i don't like them since they are reptile.. reptile that I can accept only dragon XDD bwahhahaha

    I think its dangerous with just hat barrier.. what if someone fall.. owh no... I don't want to see that kind of tragic story TT^TT

    whatever it is if its a croc I'll never be brave girl and feed them even if its a duck.. but if its tiger, lion, I might serve them some food (not me as their food) ahaha

    is there boa in that cage? I can't see it... erghh.. dislike it TT^TT

    I think they should repair it too..

  2. @Junkyo No Hikari

    Pond I mean. Exaggerative if I said it lake, right? Yes, they were so scary yet interesting to see how they live. Nice comment and thanks for dropping by, Junkyo ^^

  3. ahaha I see its a pond XD
    Nah its ok.. since it looks like a lake XDD

    Awww.. you sure love this.. ahaha.. better if we do adventurous game like mount climbing XD that one so scary, so adventure yet so interesting to see the result XD ahaha..

    ^__^ no prob.. and welcomes :D

  4. But, Junko. If I remember about that farm again, I think that's indeed an artificial lake since it's quite wide. Mount climbing?? I think I won't be able to bear the pain -,-"

  5. wow.. artificial lake? maybe it is.. ahaha since it so big XD

    yups.. ahaha but its fun.. I wish someday I can go with my friend :3
    or you can go cycling... travel around Indonesia just by cycling with friends :) it must be fun ^__^

