Selasa, 01 April 2014

'RAHMAT' International Wildlife Gallery

Today I'm going to continue writing about what I saw while visiting the gallery yesterday. I asked two drivers of public transport and the first answered that he did not pass through the gallery and the second asked me the address. So I told where the address and he then suggested to drop me off at the intersection of the road to the gallery. Of course I do not want to. I even asked a high school student who happened was also waiting for public transport to go to school and she did not know too. I finally asked the third driver (of the same type of public transportation like the first two) and he said 'yes'. Yuhhuuuu ..

there is a national monument of justice in front of the gallery entrance 

The gallery is located on Jl. Supratman no. 309, Medan and we had to pay Rp 25,000 to enter the gallery and Rp 32.000 if you want to join the night safari. The gallery was so comfortable. I only bought the first one because I was alone. Because my friend said that the night safari is actually not different from what we see outside. it's just that we are entering a very dark room with beasts sound effects and wild animals that appear suddenly because of a little light (perhaps to give a real impression of being in the wilderness).

Wise notification for visitors to think about

Entering the main gallery we'll see some beautiful natural stones (if I'm not mistaken). Turn left, we will start to see the adventure thrill animals that have been preserved. Ranging from the cute animals to the wild, the smallest to the largest which came from across the world. Really awesome. But we were not allowed to touch the gallery collections. The first I saw an article about Rahmat Shah, founder and hunters from almost of all animals in the gallery (which seem to number in the thousands). Rahmat Shah is an international hunters joined in the international hunting organization (International Safari Club) where they are hunting with a legal hunt.

The first room I saw was Kids Corner Room. It's the place for young animals.

Cute, right? Can you notice the cute yellow chicks? Even the young bears and lions look like cute doll to play. But if they get bigger and bigger maybe I will be the doll for they to play >,<

Based on an article interview with Rahmat Shah, he explained "I usually hunt overseas when there is a notice from International Safari Club. Thus not be able to hunt at all times. And must be adapted to the hunting season in certain areas where some species are being over-population. Existing criteria again, can not hunt at night, do not shoot at will, if against the procedure should be punished by jail or expelled from Indonesia Safari Club members". Even any protected species when it is over population, must be controlled by being hunted.

African Big Five

Which contains 5 of the most difficult animals to hunt, and its existence was almost extinct in Africa, the lion (leo Phantera), African elephants (Loxodonta africana), bull (Syncerus caffer), Leopard (Phantera pardus), and White Rhino (Ceratotherium simum ).

Until now, the museum has a collection of more than 1000 species of animals and the amount of approximately 3000 animals preserved from different countries. The collections were the majority obtained by Rahmat Shah of legal hunting with the concept of "Conservation by Utilization" had been done for many years in various parts of the world. In addition, the collections at the museum were also derived from gifts and donations from various circles, dead animals in a zoo or wildlife park, and some purchased legally. 

Birds of Paradise Varieties 

Cats of The World

Pheasant of The World

The eggs were in the different room, okay. I just think they had some relations. LOL. Silly me forget capture the note of what kind of animals which had them

Bear Room 

Sorry for the blur pictures. Really really dark you know and flash was forbidden. Dunno why. Maybe the light can damage the collections.

Insect Collection

No no.. That's not insect! I just think they are beautiful. hehe

Dry Aquarium 

Really hard to get this picture because the school students look loving it so much. They stand so long in front of it so I should queue. LOL 

This crocodile is really big in real life. 

The Mountain Sheep 

I could capture until the top but the result was so bad so I took the top when I stepped to the second Floor 

Dall Sheep and Grey Wolf 

Indonesia Nature Room

Sumatran tigers are almost extinct

On the second floor, preferably as a library and storage space hundreds of trophies, awards, and plaques result from the owner of the museum achievements over the years. There was a notice that the content was "Want to know how to hunt without destroying nature? Read books contained in our library." But the bookshelf was actually locked -,-". In addition, there was also a collection of original jersey world soccer players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidane. There was also a collection of pieces of 35mm film cell from famous Hollywood films such as Harry Potter, Twilight, and Shrek. 

They also had some conjoined twin animals. 

Boring? Okay, it will be the last. hehe 

Can you teach me how to edit picture to get natural result?

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