Jumat, 11 April 2014

Django Unchained -- (2012)

What a great movie!! Let me rate it 5 of 5 stars. I love it so much!! This is the first film can give me the perfect mixed feelings of sorry, sad, angered, hatred, hopes and amused at once.

What The Blacks have on their mind when they watch this? I curious at that stuff so much. I'm a person who strongly opposed any act of slavery. When I watched Django, "How could they do that cruel things? Is that really ever happened to the Blacks?" popped up in my mind and then my logic came back from nowhere. Those scenes had been selected from the real more sadistic happenings ever happened. That's true! No offense to any race, though.

The black comedy, wise words chosen, the characters' epic expressions and tones, how the director could create the perfect combination? Seriously, I felt my heart cut by the grief moments and suddenly there was a laughter from their jokes. 


The title itself explained what's the main thing from this movie. It's about freedom. Django walking chained with other men who were the sold off slaves, stopped by a Germany man wanted to buy one of the slaves. He was Schultz, a dentist and bounty hunter. The masters were too arrogant made Schultz shoot them and freed Django as he knew the three wanted men he hunted. Since that, his name changed to be Django Freeman.

Django was the first man Schultz ever freed. That's why he felt responsible to help Django: help him to find his wife, Broomhilda. They started their duo bounty hunter partnership by killing one by one the wanted men Schultz hunted. Their hunting led them to the information who owned Broomhilda. He was Calvin Candie, the charming but brutal owner of plantation called Candyland. In Candyland, the slaves were forced to fight to the death to entertain their master, Candie. The fight called Mandingo.

It's not as easy as they thought to have a deal with Candie. His pride was above everything. Knowing the duo bounty hunters lied him just to free Broomhilda, made him wrath which finally sent him to the grave as well as Schultz.


Ugh! The Mandingo fight was the hardest scene to see. What other? When one slave named D'artagnan tried to escape from the plantation since he couldn't stand the Mandingo fight, caused Candie fed him to some wild dogs alive. I couldn't stand those scenes, Mr. Director Quentin Tarantino. 

I was slightly bothered and shocked by the braveness of those some frontal lines, when Candie showed the cranium of his Black slave who took care his father and grandfather, and told that there were three points in the cranium showed the tissue of compliance nature, which there's no any other race in the world who had it bigger than the Blacks'. 

Schultz's ridiculous behaviour even though constantly vigilant reminded me to Jack Sparrow so much. His funny mimics and conversations made me love him. TeeHee. And I felt so sad when saw he died. I love that uncle! 

They even made jokes on Ku Klux Klan's white mask. Lol. 

When Schultz shoot Candie to die and he then shoot by Candie's man, I felt the movie became spiritless. "Is it over?", "That's all?" "Disappointing, ugh!" But, I guessed Mr. Tarantino wanna make Django as the only rising star with his lady for justice. TeeHee. He back to the mansion when Candie's sister sent him to be a mine slave and killed everyone excluded two black women. I love that scene. It was like, "Now get what you've done!" Lol. 

Candie was the cruelest but I hate Steven the most! Hey, people like Steven! How was it like to eat meat of your own brothers? 

I forget to mention something. This movie was too gory. The spurted blood created new color to the plain wall. 

I'm really bad in expressing my thought. There are still long, long lines I have in my mind but I'm a word indigent. There will never be anyone ever satisfied with my review and as well as I. 

2 komentar

  1. oh this film sounds interesting! i love inglourious basterds so anything by tarantino would shoot up my to-watch list.

  2. @Grace
    This movie IS interesting. Go.. Go.. Watch it..~~!!

