Minggu, 27 April 2014

Liebster Award

When I checked messages on my cbox some days ago, I found this message from a Philippines girl names Lysa. She told me that she had nominated me to her Liebster Award. I'd heard about this chained tagging blogpost some time ago but, never think someone will chain me too omg

First, I never think Lysa knows me. I mean, as long as I can remember, I never have any chat with her. This is not an uncomfortable feeling, though. I'm so happy there's a sweet girl notice my blog's existence lol. I postponed to make this post because I had an entrance exam to something-still-secret on 24th. And now here is my answer to Lysa's tagging.

So, what is a Liebster? The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about their blogs ^_^

And the rules are:
  • Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog;
  • Answer the 11 questions asked;
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with lots of potential;
  • Create 11 of your own questions set for them to answer;
  • Notify your nominees.
And here my answers:

1. Describe your blog in five words.
Personal. Watching. Games. Books. Foodrinks..

2. How would you describe yourself?
Firstly, it's about my appearance which I hope you can imagine it positively. I don't wanna look like I'm not loving myself but, it's a fact that I'm not a pretty girl. I'm not as tall as a supermodel but I'm not as short as a dwarf. But I'm happy that I can look kinda sweeter than in real life, on my profile pictorial haha *please, don't slap me*. Because what? Most people will think I'm a mean girl at the first time we met. They say I have a cruel face wth lol

But, deeply in my heart, I'm an expert in hoping. Hoping everything will happen as I wish. I am a shy to new people but I'm not an anti-social. I think I'm an 85% introvert and the rest is extrovert in me. I can be a good listener to any people who tell their problems and secrets but I never do the same. Even I never confide in to my mother. But I can be a good speaker when someone who is more shy than me have difficulty to voice their opinion.

Sometime I prefer to be alone and kinda bothered by the crowd which suddenly approached me. I only can show my cheerfulness in front of the closest and trustworthy people around me. I'm a cool person and not really care about something which according to me, it is not a big deal.

I love cute stuffs. I love jokes but the smart ones. I will not give any laugh even a small smile with the comedy which took advantage from the weakness of other people. Social phenomenon presented with deep analysis and clear proofs can very easily seize my attention. Only Korean Drama can distract me from that. haha..

Just give me a sincere smile and you will be a kind hearted person in my sight.

3. Since when did you started blogging and why?
I blogged since November 2012. It's because the great stories written in such beautiful perfect narrative ways by so many senior bloggers out there had successfully seduced me to build my own blog.

4. What do you love to write about?
Firstly, I think I need to tell you that I'm a people-pleaser. I avoid to write anything which will make people against my opinion because I can't debate and am afraid people will hate me. I also filtered my story which I posted on my blog so, I just show people what a good, happy, and positive ways my life has gone through.

But, just relax, Babes. I just write about the random stuffs happen in my life :P. See my answer in the question number 1.

5. What is the story behind your URL?
My name is Lia Damanik. Damanik, (read: du-mu-nick with English pronunciation) is one of so many family names in Batak Simalungun tribes, one of so many tribes in Indonesia. Back when I was an elementary school girl, my fellow Bataknese friends were always shy with their family name as a Bataknese. It has a connection to the religion issue. But, I was not. Never. I'm proud with it because it's my identity. I'll correct if people abbreviate my name because it's too long by cutting down my family name (I have a middle name). And DamaniQueen is my family name written in a stylish way :P

6. What are your future plans with your blogging career?
No, I never consider my blog as a career field. So, there's no any plan. But we don't know what will happen next, right?

7. What are your hobbies?
Playing hidden object games. You can find some articles about the games I'd finished.

8. What kind of music do you listen to?
K-Pop haha

9. What kind of books do you read?
Based on true stories.

10. What kind of movies do you watch?
Romance, history, thriller, adventure, fantasy and any other good recommended movies as long as it's not horror, futuristic movie, and those indoctrinated alien movies.

11. If you could be a celebrity in a day, who would it be and why?
Jessica Lawrence. I want to kill that cruel old man names President Snow hahahahahaha

And here my own set of 11 questions:

  1. What kind of blogger do you hate the most?
  2. Ever you received some amount of money from blogging?
  3. What is your biggest regret?
  4. What do you think about poeple in eccentric wardrobes style?
  5. What will you say to your reflection in front of the mirror?
  6. The most embarrassing thing ever happened in your school life?
  7. Is there something you like the most but you are afraid people will call you weird if they know about that?
  8. Mention 3 wild animals to pet if you are allowed and why?
  9. What kind of magic do you wish to master?
  10. Ever you seen hatred to be love in real life?
  11. Korea or Japan? Why?
And here the sweethearts:

4 komentar

  1. your blog daebak ^__^ :3

    same like me Boo ^__^ hehe..

    owh ya, when you mention Batak tribe, here in Malaysia also have some Batak, I think? I just heard some people said and never meet one.. and people always make joke of Batak,(but not all.. some of them especially youngster nowadays) but my dad say that not good to make other people as your joke.. no offense.. ^__^
    anyway Boo, I search online for Batak.. so its from indo :) I just know this.. anyway of course we should proud from where we come right ^__^ I'm agree with that :D

    Kill President Snow... XDD ahaha

    okie thanks tagging me :)

  2. Thanks, babe. Your blog is awesome, too ^,^

    I think the Malaysians youngsters have same expression toward Bataknese like here some Indonesians other than this tribe have: Bataknese are rude besause we are known for our high tone when speaking. But, seriously I'm noT. Lol.

    Just don't judge a book by its cover, right?

    Hey!! Koreans also have high tone when speaking. No offense, though.

  3. hehe most welcome :) wow tankiu ^^

    I think so too, owh really? I've never seen one so.. thats why.. anyway we judge people not by their ethnic, religion, skin or what right? we judged by their personality ^__^

    I actually fine with people speak in high tone XD
    ahaha I believe you :3

    yups.. Korean really speak in high tone XD I know that :)

  4. Yes, even Koreans almost screaming. Haa..

    It's unique, though

