Kamis, 03 April 2014


Indi was a jolly girl whose world was turned upside when she was diagnosed with scoliosis when in junior high school. Due to her health condition, she had to wear body iron buffer (brace) for 23 hours every day. Before entering senior high school, she took a vacation to Jakarta with her parents, and there Indi acquainted with Mika through an unexpected encounter. They then became close friends.

Mika was cool, fun, bold, and always look at life with a positive and relaxed way. Slowly Mika could help Indi to back to be a jovial girl and dare to fight the disease. Mika always had a way to make Indi feel happy in the midst of torture she suffered. Indi's transition from junior high to senior high was considered would be grim but it turned out it was a full-color moment when the girl met Mika who she called an angel because he was so special in her sight.

The closeness between them was turned into something called love. But their story was not as easy as in a fairy tale because Indi's angel was a PLWHA (People Living With HIV/AIDS). Indi never told about Mika's true fact to her parents because since at the first place, Indi's mother had given a bad impression toward him because he had tattoo and she thought Indi was too young to be friend with a man whose age was too much different. But those reasons were nothing for Indi. For her, Mika was the only person after her parents who can accept her just the way she was. Not because of a pity feeling. For Mika, Indi was normal. She's just different which ended in something called special.

Problems began to arrive when Mika's condition was getting weaker and his past begin to reveal. Indi's parents and friends begin to know about Mika and his past. But they do not know the wonderful things that Mika had done for her. Mika was someone who pushed Indi to escape from her loneliness when there were too many things she wanted to do but she's just allowed to watch, due to her illness. Mika invited her to a dance studio and joined other young dancers who also had imperfect physical condition when her mother always told her to sit quietly with the right position.

But, after the death of his best friend (a PLWHA fellow), Mika retreated and left Indi with full of questions in her mind why he left her. Mika knew his time was near. He loved Indi and that's why he didn't want Indi would feel more pain later. Behind Indi's grief after Mika left, she knows that Mika actually made her life more alive and trying to defeat her health condition.

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