Minggu, 20 April 2014

Maimoon Palace

Here is the Maimoon.. I don’t know why I start to feel interested to visit a place ‘like’ that because before I never did it. I often pass it but it was like you passed your neighbours’ homes and you just had in your mind, ‘oh, that’s Mari’s home’ or even you didn’t realize that you had passed Mari’s home. LOL.

The first time I visited Maimoon Palace was when I had our Elementary School farewell. We the students and the teachers had a one day trip to Maimoon Palace, Taman Dewi and then to a Zoo. We paid IDR 5.000 for the ticket entering the palace and IDR 3.000 to enter a small building for Meriam Buntung (The Split Up Cannon).

Entering the gate entrance, I saw a horse-drawn carriage? Maybe vehicles of the royal family in antiquity.

Notes on the ticket:

Maimoon Palace was built on 29 August 1888 by the Sultan Ma’moen Al Rasyid (Sultan Deli IX) and the central government to the empire Deli at the time. With the age of 100 years, the palace has become a cultural heritage Maimoon by Indonesia Government.

Maimoon is kinda small for a palace. We just be able to see the main part which was located in the front building because the other parts were Sultan's family residence. When I came to Maimoon, there was a group of tourist came from Malaysia and then came the other group also from my Malaysia. Malaysians looked so interested with Maimoon because it has some history background with them. And then came a group from.. Europe? America? Dunno. hehe.

We must take off our shoes or sandals before entering the palace. When we came inside, we will see the building was dominated by yellow (Malay typical color).

What I loved was every roof for every room had different pattern and color. There were several pictures of patricians hanged on the wall. Turn left, we would find several old sofa with notification : ’dont’t sit’ LOL

We would see some old traditional music instruments, plates and Kris maybe. And also the original clothes Sultan ever wore. Back, we would see Sultan’s throne which also you were not allowed to sit no matter how much you wish to act like a patrician. So just make the tourist typical pose: sit forming a line with your group in front of it so you won’t block the throne. LOL

There is a small souvenir shop inside it but camera was forbidden. So I straight to the next room. Dunno what it was. There were a replica of patrician’s clothes and jewelries. I was offered to take a photo by using the Malay clothes but I was not that confidence. Not because of the cost but.. I was alone -,-“

the jewelries are original.
There were also the original chairs aged 130 years used to be used by Sultan and Queen.

They have the same high but there’s something differentiating which one is Sultan’s and which one is Queen’s.

The higher is Sultan’s. I overhear the explanation from the Malaysians' tour guide. haha

Actually there was a Malay music live show outside the palace but I didn’t see it. It’s about the time because I should finish my transcript and that day was so hot. I couldn’t stand it. That’s why I cancelled to look Medan Great Mosque. Just need to walk a little but the hot day made me give up so I just saw the split up cannon in a small wooden house in the right side of the palace.

The Legend of a split up cannon
According to the Deli Malay legend: The cannon was a personification of Putri Hijau’s (Princess Green) younger brother from Deli Tua Kingdom named Mambang Khayali which transformed himself into a cannon when he was doing his utmost to defend the Palace against the attack of the Acehness King because the King’s proposal was rejected by Putri Hijau.

The cannon kept on firing continuously which caused the barrel was very hot hot and the cannon finally broken into two parts.

The top of the cannon flew over the air and landed in Sukanalu Vilage Sub-district Barus Jahe Tanah Karo, while the other part is now kept in the small wooden house on the right side of the Maimoon Palace area.

The Palace yard.
Maybe the Malay music live show will be held there.
So if you have a chance to visit Medan, Maimoon is a must!

7 komentar

  1. I search Maimoon Palace.. but of course I'm bit confuse XD History somehow make my brain not function well ahahaha :D

    btw I would love to visit there :D

    I love the old chandelier, the design, the ceiling especially looks grand <3

    owh ya, why Malay music live show gonna held there at Palace Yard? :D

    one more thing for sure, in Malaysia.. the Sultan, the palace, I don't understand why they choose bright yellow as theme XD (maybe because it present gold colour) but in my eyes.. I really don't like yellow colour especially gold colour XD ahaha (I don't like gold too except white gold) ahaha opps

    Did you like gold? XD

  2. in medan, and in my homwtoen, we'll see almost the buildings are in yellow. it's because Malay is the most clan. even my hometown names Serdang Bedagai.

    Junko, if u happen to visit the palace, tell me!!! u have to!! will be happy to meet u, babe..

    just imagine about that has made so excited. jumping in my heart. lol

  3. owh i see... now I know new fact again.. ahaha :D that's why full of that yellow colour.. :3

    yups.. for sure.. I'll inform you first if I happen to visit there.. insyaAllah.. ^___^
    me too~ ^///^

    hehe.. I wish that I can travel all around Indonesia too :) can't wait for that moment hehe XDD

    I'm excited..

  4. and as well as me. i wish i'll be able to visit Malaysia. your country is beautiful. moreover we believe in same religion. that means, no need to worry about have prayer and the foods.

  5. yeahhh.. ^___^ If you gonna come here.. tell me k :D
    so do your country.. hehe but nowadays because of airplane prob I think more tourist will not come to our country..
    anyway lets pray for passenger MH370.. :)
    that's right.. thats the main point ^___^ everything gonna turn out well :)InsyaAllah..

    hope you visit Malaysia ^__^ hehe

  6. humm. nobody wants any hard accident happen in their life. mh370 is a solid faith from Allah. may everybody is under the protection of God.

    sure. sure.. i wish i can visit Malaysia so much.

  7. mohon ijin pinjam gambarnya 1 biji gan buat pasang di blog saya???

