When I checked messages on my cbox some days ago, I found this message from a Philippines girl names Lysa. She told me that she had nominated me to her Liebster Award. I'd heard about this chained tagging blogpost some time ago but, never think someone will chain me too omg

First, I never think Lysa knows me. I mean, as long as I can remember, I never have any chat with her. This is not an uncomfortable feeling, though. I'm so happy there's a sweet girl notice my blog's existence lol. I postponed to make this post because I had an entrance exam to something-still-secret on 24th. And now here is my answer to Lysa's tagging.

So, what is a Liebster? The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about their blogs ^_^

And the rules are:
  • Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog;
  • Answer the 11 questions asked;
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with lots of potential;
  • Create 11 of your own questions set for them to answer;
  • Notify your nominees.
And here my answers:

1. Describe your blog in five words.
Personal. Watching. Games. Books. Foodrinks..

2. How would you describe yourself?
Firstly, it's about my appearance which I hope you can imagine it positively. I don't wanna look like I'm not loving myself but, it's a fact that I'm not a pretty girl. I'm not as tall as a supermodel but I'm not as short as a dwarf. But I'm happy that I can look kinda sweeter than in real life, on my profile pictorial haha *please, don't slap me*. Because what? Most people will think I'm a mean girl at the first time we met. They say I have a cruel face wth lol

But, deeply in my heart, I'm an expert in hoping. Hoping everything will happen as I wish. I am a shy to new people but I'm not an anti-social. I think I'm an 85% introvert and the rest is extrovert in me. I can be a good listener to any people who tell their problems and secrets but I never do the same. Even I never confide in to my mother. But I can be a good speaker when someone who is more shy than me have difficulty to voice their opinion.

Sometime I prefer to be alone and kinda bothered by the crowd which suddenly approached me. I only can show my cheerfulness in front of the closest and trustworthy people around me. I'm a cool person and not really care about something which according to me, it is not a big deal.

I love cute stuffs. I love jokes but the smart ones. I will not give any laugh even a small smile with the comedy which took advantage from the weakness of other people. Social phenomenon presented with deep analysis and clear proofs can very easily seize my attention. Only Korean Drama can distract me from that. haha..

Just give me a sincere smile and you will be a kind hearted person in my sight.

3. Since when did you started blogging and why?
I blogged since November 2012. It's because the great stories written in such beautiful perfect narrative ways by so many senior bloggers out there had successfully seduced me to build my own blog.

4. What do you love to write about?
Firstly, I think I need to tell you that I'm a people-pleaser. I avoid to write anything which will make people against my opinion because I can't debate and am afraid people will hate me. I also filtered my story which I posted on my blog so, I just show people what a good, happy, and positive ways my life has gone through.

But, just relax, Babes. I just write about the random stuffs happen in my life :P. See my answer in the question number 1.

5. What is the story behind your URL?
My name is Lia Damanik. Damanik, (read: du-mu-nick with English pronunciation) is one of so many family names in Batak Simalungun tribes, one of so many tribes in Indonesia. Back when I was an elementary school girl, my fellow Bataknese friends were always shy with their family name as a Bataknese. It has a connection to the religion issue. But, I was not. Never. I'm proud with it because it's my identity. I'll correct if people abbreviate my name because it's too long by cutting down my family name (I have a middle name). And DamaniQueen is my family name written in a stylish way :P

6. What are your future plans with your blogging career?
No, I never consider my blog as a career field. So, there's no any plan. But we don't know what will happen next, right?

7. What are your hobbies?
Playing hidden object games. You can find some articles about the games I'd finished.

8. What kind of music do you listen to?
K-Pop haha

9. What kind of books do you read?
Based on true stories.

10. What kind of movies do you watch?
Romance, history, thriller, adventure, fantasy and any other good recommended movies as long as it's not horror, futuristic movie, and those indoctrinated alien movies.

11. If you could be a celebrity in a day, who would it be and why?
Jessica Lawrence. I want to kill that cruel old man names President Snow hahahahahaha

And here my own set of 11 questions:

  1. What kind of blogger do you hate the most?
  2. Ever you received some amount of money from blogging?
  3. What is your biggest regret?
  4. What do you think about poeple in eccentric wardrobes style?
  5. What will you say to your reflection in front of the mirror?
  6. The most embarrassing thing ever happened in your school life?
  7. Is there something you like the most but you are afraid people will call you weird if they know about that?
  8. Mention 3 wild animals to pet if you are allowed and why?
  9. What kind of magic do you wish to master?
  10. Ever you seen hatred to be love in real life?
  11. Korea or Japan? Why?
And here the sweethearts:

I've played this game long time ago but only now I can type this post. Ahh. I love this second sequel more than the first one. The storyline is more interesting and the graphics are getting better in here and there. But I can't neglect the cuteness served by Welcome To The Club.

The famous Formula O racer Jack Blair mysteriously disappeared the next day after winning over the race for the fifth time. Mass media spreads rumour he had been kidnapped seemed from the mess in his mansion. But, nobody knows that he was challenged by his grandfather, Robert Blair, to catch the Snark. 

Robert was the greatest racer in history. Seventeen years ago since Jack’s disappearance, Robert entered a tunnel while competing in a Formula O race and never came out. His disappearance was one of the great mysteries of the century.


Robert always placed first and he won more trophies than Jack could. The biggest dream of Jack is to win in competing against his grandfather or if not, he would be forever in the second rank. Here comes the chance to compete his grandfather. Robert sent Jack a letter from nowhere. He challenged his grandson if Jack could catch the Snark before he did.

I love the concept for this to-everywhere door.

Is that Indonesia's national flag??

For the last 15 years, Robert had been trying to catch the Snark, a mythical creature with unknown abilities. It lives but it rarely seen. It’s able to pass through the mirrors into a backward world. It moves so quickly and no one had been able to capture it. There may be a possibility to catch it by driving a super high-speed car. Robert gave Jack a chance to drive the super high-speed car to catch the Snark. But he’ll need to work to get it. And after accepting the challenge, Jack experienced what Kira Robertson ever had.


Here is the Maimoon.. I don’t know why I start to feel interested to visit a place ‘like’ that because before I never did it. I often pass it but it was like you passed your neighbours’ homes and you just had in your mind, ‘oh, that’s Mari’s home’ or even you didn’t realize that you had passed Mari’s home. LOL.

The first time I visited Maimoon Palace was when I had our Elementary School farewell. We the students and the teachers had a one day trip to Maimoon Palace, Taman Dewi and then to a Zoo. We paid IDR 5.000 for the ticket entering the palace and IDR 3.000 to enter a small building for Meriam Buntung (The Split Up Cannon).

Entering the gate entrance, I saw a horse-drawn carriage? Maybe vehicles of the royal family in antiquity.

Notes on the ticket:

Maimoon Palace was built on 29 August 1888 by the Sultan Ma’moen Al Rasyid (Sultan Deli IX) and the central government to the empire Deli at the time. With the age of 100 years, the palace has become a cultural heritage Maimoon by Indonesia Government.

Maimoon is kinda small for a palace. We just be able to see the main part which was located in the front building because the other parts were Sultan's family residence. When I came to Maimoon, there was a group of tourist came from Malaysia and then came the other group also from my Malaysia. Malaysians looked so interested with Maimoon because it has some history background with them. And then came a group from.. Europe? America? Dunno. hehe.

We must take off our shoes or sandals before entering the palace. When we came inside, we will see the building was dominated by yellow (Malay typical color).

What I loved was every roof for every room had different pattern and color. There were several pictures of patricians hanged on the wall. Turn left, we would find several old sofa with notification : ’dont’t sit’ LOL

We would see some old traditional music instruments, plates and Kris maybe. And also the original clothes Sultan ever wore. Back, we would see Sultan’s throne which also you were not allowed to sit no matter how much you wish to act like a patrician. So just make the tourist typical pose: sit forming a line with your group in front of it so you won’t block the throne. LOL

There is a small souvenir shop inside it but camera was forbidden. So I straight to the next room. Dunno what it was. There were a replica of patrician’s clothes and jewelries. I was offered to take a photo by using the Malay clothes but I was not that confidence. Not because of the cost but.. I was alone -,-“

the jewelries are original.
There were also the original chairs aged 130 years used to be used by Sultan and Queen.

They have the same high but there’s something differentiating which one is Sultan’s and which one is Queen’s.

The higher is Sultan’s. I overhear the explanation from the Malaysians' tour guide. haha

Actually there was a Malay music live show outside the palace but I didn’t see it. It’s about the time because I should finish my transcript and that day was so hot. I couldn’t stand it. That’s why I cancelled to look Medan Great Mosque. Just need to walk a little but the hot day made me give up so I just saw the split up cannon in a small wooden house in the right side of the palace.

The Legend of a split up cannon
According to the Deli Malay legend: The cannon was a personification of Putri Hijau’s (Princess Green) younger brother from Deli Tua Kingdom named Mambang Khayali which transformed himself into a cannon when he was doing his utmost to defend the Palace against the attack of the Acehness King because the King’s proposal was rejected by Putri Hijau.

The cannon kept on firing continuously which caused the barrel was very hot hot and the cannon finally broken into two parts.

The top of the cannon flew over the air and landed in Sukanalu Vilage Sub-district Barus Jahe Tanah Karo, while the other part is now kept in the small wooden house on the right side of the Maimoon Palace area.

The Palace yard.
Maybe the Malay music live show will be held there.
So if you have a chance to visit Medan, Maimoon is a must!
Read this book to kill my boredom while waiting Noni went home from teaching. I read the book in Indonesian version. It turned out this book took my one day to focus only to it. I knew for a bookworm, spent a day to finish a 297 pages book is nothing. But for me it is something. John was successfully bring my imagination to condition myself being in the Grogan family. It's completely a sequential chronology. From the cute yet brave puppy, truly active 'teenage' to a sad sickly old dog. 

I smiled and laughed when reading the cute, naughty and funny moment by that dog which were written so cleverly by John. And I cried. Yes, seriously I cried when reading the old Marley was 'put to sleep' since he was too old to go under the medical procedure. And smiled again to read how that family could finally accept their dog's gone. A dog which could destroy their new home needing 30 years to finish its installment payment.

They kept taking care of their dog though they almost could buy a mini yacht with the money spent to repair the damage caused by Marley. But for them, there was no yacht was willing to wait and welcome them home everyday throughout 13 years. A professional dog trainer who believed in there was no dog could not be trained, there was only unlucky owner who didn't know how to act, gave up on Marley. Even there's a vet advised John to 'put to sleep' Marley, the softer words to say lethal injection, because of that dog's really bad behaviors.

Something new I found from this book is, a 13 years old dog is equal to a 91 years old human. Marley's friendliness also had thaught me that dogs owned by some of my friends and relatives which always eagerly barked at me, everytime I visited their homes, maybe just trying to be friendly with me. But I'm sure, most of them are not that friendly. Lol.

Marley & Me

It's a touching and unforgettable story about the formation of a family and a neurotic dog who taught them about the important things in life.

John and Jenny just starting their domestic life. They were young and falling in love, with a perfect little house and without meaningful concern to the world. Armed with advice from his father how to test which one was the bravest among the puppies, they brought home Marley, a yellow-haired dogs which could not stay still. Their lives would never be the same too.

Marley soon grew to be a Labrador retriever weighing 97 pounds that was ready bumping into anything. What an unrivaled dog. He penetrated the wind door, bite the wall caused holes, throwing drool to the guests, stole women's panties and took almost all of the objects that could be achieved, including sofas and jewelry. Obedience school did not bring result; Marley was expelled from the school, as well as sedatives given by vet with a message: "Do not hesitate to use these drugs".

However Marley had pure heart. Just as he was happily reject all restrictions provided for behavior. His love and loyalty did not know enough. Marley shared the happiness with John and Jenny at her first pregnancy, and their grief when Jenny had miscarriage. Marley was there when babies finally present in their family and screaming from the stabbing victim who was a seventeen girl heard in the dark night. 

Marley shut down the beach to the public and managed to get a role in a movie, and he always won the hearts of the people around him while he did not stop making a mess. With all the mischief, Marley stay faithful and be an example for a model of devotion, even when the family taking care of him was facing difficult times. Unconditional love, this family would finally understand, came in a variety of forms.

What I really want to convey is how this animal had touched our souls and taught us some important lessons in our lives. A person can learn a lot from the naughty dog like ours. Marley taught me about how to live my days with passion and joy, about grasping the opportunities that came and following my heart. He taught me to appreciate the simple things in life; a walk in the forest, snowfall, a nap in the sun of winter. And while he was getting old and sick, he taught me about optimism in the face of challenges. Above all, he taught me about friendship and eliminate the ego, and above all, loyalty indefinitely. All of this is an amazing concept that I, only now after his death, could absorb fully: Marley is the mentor. As a teacher and role model. Is it possible a dog - any dog, but especially dog is very wild and can not be controlled such as ours, shows people things that are really important in life? I believe the answer is YES. Loyalty. Courage. Devotion. Simplicity. Excitement. And things are not important as well . Dog does not need a big house or a nice car or designer clothes. Status symbol does not mean anything to him. A piece of wood is enough for him. A dog does not judge people based on color, belief or class but by what is in their hearts. A dog does not care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or stupid. Give your heart and he will give his heart to you. Simple as that. However, we are human beings, who are much more sensible, always difficult to judge which ones are necessary and which ones are not. -- John Grogan
He who wishes to wear the crown,
Endure its weight.

It's about a girl, the heir of poor, who is angry to the world she lives in. Furious with her life condition, upset for being helpless, envy the people who look like having perfect life she used to dream of: new nice clothes and dresses, branded bags and shoes, hi-tech gadgets, hangout with friends every weekend so she can share the moments in her social media account, car is equipped with personal driver. She wished to escape but instead it had brought her to meet one of the people whom she is jealous of. Time by time, she finally understands it is not always something sparkling is beautiful.

The children of conglomerates or at least rich people she used to envy are actually they are not happy as they seem. Burden as the heirs had attached their shoulders since they were born, organized gestures by their parents, ideals which must conform with their parents' wishes, serious quarrels between siblings, and of course marriage which has been determined. Parents succumbing to the children's desire for the happiness of them is not applicable to the children of Chaebol.

An international call from her sister has sent Cha Eun Sang to United States. She wishes that is the first step which will leads her out of the world already sickened her. Without giving her a security in that foreign country, instead her sister steals Eun Sang's money and tells her to be back to Korea. In her despair, she meets Kim Tan who  finally helps her by letting Eun Sang stay in his luxurious house.

Tan is the second son of Empire Group, the biggest company which dominates almost the whole economy aspects in Korea. Beside he is a rich boy, he has perfect appearance. Tall and handsome. But he is lonely. His older brother who considering him as the rival as being the main heir, forces him to go to the States. Moreover, his status as the love child can't make him to be son of his real mother. Till he finds Eun Sang, a girl crying alone in the roadside with a mess suitcase.

Love begins to grow between them. But with Tan's status as one of the heirs of Empire Group, it's really not easy for Eun Sang, the daughter of a mute housekeeper, to be together with Tan. Tan is engaged to Rachel and the barrier like being higher as Young Do, the boy ever be Tan's best friend also like Eun Sang. What worst? Eun Sang's mother is working for Empire Family.

Their love journey decorated with Tan's efforts to protect his girl from the cynical gazes and degrading acts by the children of Chaebol in Empire School, his powerful father who orders them to end their relationship, attempts to reconnect the friendship strap has been severed for years yet does not want to give up his love on his best friend. Though Tan knows Young Do also likes Eun Sang. And of course the twists and turns the Chaebols should have done to maintain their conglomeratic dynasty.

It's not all about rivalry and ascendancy. There's a strong friendship among those children. Love which finally grows between them that never be thinkable before. Between a boy who once tried to suicide because of the depression of being forced to follow his parents' desire, something he never put his heart in, with a girl who starts to accept she can not force the boy she really loves reciprocates her heart.

A boy learns to stop blaming the others for what's happened to him and encouraging himself to face the truth and finds the best way to make everything back to its real way. There's also a cute couple who always brights the as-cold-as-ice situation those children should deal with in almost everyday, in their school times. 

Finally they will find money can not buy love and the most dangerous person is not he who openly becomes an enemy, but he who stands beside them with a knife hidden in his back, which at any time can stab them.

Visited Asam Kumbang last week with Noni. By riding our motorcycle to Jl.Bunga Raya II No. 59 Sunggal , Medan Selayang sub-district, Medan, North Sumatra. Lona suggested us to reach that farm at 4 in the afternoon since that's the schedule for those reptiles to eat. The ticket to enter that farm cost Rp 6k for each.

Wanna join them?

Entering the main gate, we were welcomed by so smell and fishy aroma which was so eww. And really shocked for suddenly face-to-face with the crocodiles if we looked toward to the right because that's the only option. There's only wall in the left side after the entrance. Lol.

I'm not sure what they were doing. I hope that's not something indecent. Lol.

The crocodile farm was started in 1959 by Lo Than Mok, built on a land area of 2 hectares. In 2011, it's recorded there were 2700 live crocodiles that were placed in an artificial lake at the farm. The access to Asam Kumbang is fairly easy and can be passed by all the transport equipments available in Medan such as public transportation, tricycles and motorcycles and cars.

No, those are not floating wood pieces. Throw some duck heads and they will open their jaw widely and show off their canines

I don't know if the meal was failed to satisfy 'him' (all the crocodiles look as male in my sight) or 'he' was indeed had got fully tummy, no matter what that duck carcass in 'his' mouth was so disgusting. It looked like they eat duck almost everyday.

I saw a banner explained we could see a show of the friendship of a crocodile with a monkey by paying Rp 50k. A crazy price. I can remember when I was a kid, I saw monkey sit comfortably in the crocodile's mouth in some zoo and it's free. Oh, maybe we will be entertained something more special with that Rp 50k.

The oldest crocodile, 40 years old. It's the biggest as well.

If we want to feed the crocodiles with a living duck, we can buy it cost Rp 30k. If you really want to serve that reptile fresh meat, maybe you are kind of a lover, please don't make it as an entertainment. Seriously I'm not a victim of Babe or other animal movies which show how animals are like us, humans, have feeling and family they want to be with, like at least as long as they can.

The visitors, included Noni who was ready with her phone camera -,-", surrounded the cage where one of them threw a living duck to feed one crocodile occupies that cage. They waited impatiently to see the crocodile pounce that sad duck. That duck could only stand in the corner while the ugly predator slowly but I guess it's a sure movement, approaching its prey. I know the vegetarians considered us, meat eaters, are not really different with those crocodiles. But we eat the ducks decently. We slaughter them in the right way and.. Okay. Everything has each portion.

What's happened with your tail, Crocs?

I know that smell and fishy are not something which can be overcome that easily. It's not a goldfish farm where the management and the team can move the fish to other place while they drain and clean the artificial pond. But there is no crocodile in the dry ground. They should repair the broken swings and others. And those snakes, I'm sure it's a really bad decision to put that big boa (if I'm not mistaken) in a narrow and dark cage.
