Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

New Addiction

Hello, I'm broke actually. This week is so hectic but I love it. It signs me alive. At least, still. I, my mom and sister have a new addiction currently. An Indian drama entitles Mahabharata. It relates to that country's majority religion and mythology but hey, we enjoy the storyline without affecting our own religion. You have to know this, our family time is started on 7pm. It's the time we have dinner and another family's quality time. And since this last 3 weeks, 7pm is the starter to be ready to watch our newly favorite Indian drama: Mahabharata. 

But sadly, we wait 2 hours to get 9pm to watch that drama which only airs for only 15 minutes. Lemme repeat that, 15 minutes.  Compare to our local dramas which was popular by its name Sinetron, which have airing time for more than 2 hours for each episode, 15 minutes is like the movie has ended before you're ready with popcorn in your hand. It's without commercial break, though. And I found that Mahabharata is still airing in its country of origin so, I assume this really short duration is due to the high price the TV station has to pay to buy the broadcasting right.

I won't be able to make its summary. It's on-going and the episodes are really in a big number. Can you let me use this excuse to get the short summary from Wikipedia The Highness, please


In short, the Mahabharata tells the story of the five Pandavas conflict with their cousins, the one hundred Kauravas, the state government land rights disputes Astina. The climax is Bhāratayuddha war in the battle field of Kurukshetra and lasted for eighteen days.

King Santanu was a famous king of the Kuru lineage, derived from Hastinapura. He was married to Goddess Ganga who is doomed to fall into the world, but the goddess Ganga left him for violating their marriage vows. The relationship with the Goddess Ganga and the King had led to the child, named Dewabrata or Bhishma. After being left for the goddess Ganga, King Santanu eventually became a widower.

A few years later, King Santanu resumes family life by marrying the goddess Satyawati, daughter of a fisherman. From the relationship, the King gets sons: Chitrāngada and Wicitrawirya. Chitrāngada died at a young age in a battle, and then he was replaced by his brother Wicitrawirya. Wicitrawirya also died at a young age and has not had time to have children. The assistance of Rishi Vyasa, the two wives of Wicitrawirya, Ambika and Ambalika, each gave birth to a son, names Pandu (from Ambalika) and Dhritarashtra (from Ambika).

Dhritarashtra was born blind, the throne of Hastinapur submitted to Pandu, his brother. Pandu married Kunti. Pandu then married for the second time with Madrim, but due to a mistake at the time of Pandu archery deer that are in love, then the deer expend (Supata = Curse) that Pandu will not feel anymore marital relationship, and if it does, then Pandu will experience doom. The deer then die by turning into the original form of a clergyman.

Then due to adverse events like that, Pandu then took his two wives to beg the Almighty Hyang to be given childs. Then Batara Dharma sends to fertilize Kunti thus was born the first child Yudhisthira. Guru then sent Batara Indra to fertilize Kunti thus Harjuna born. Batara Bayu was sent also to fertilize Kunti thus born Bhima, and the latter, Batara Aswin shipped to fertilize Madrim, and Nakula and Sahadev were born.

Theive sons of Pandu, known as the Pandavas. Blind Dhritarashtra married Gandhari, and had a hundred sons and a daughter known as Kauravas. Pandu and Dhritarashtra had a younger brother named Vidura. Vidura had a son named Sanjaya, who has the inner eye to be able to see the past, present, and future.

Family of Dhritarashtra, Pandu, and Vidura who will build the story of Mahabharata.

PS: Please tell me kindly if there's some mistaken in this translation..

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