Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Second Liebster Award

Yeaayy.. I got another Liebster Award from this sweet Malaysian girl, Jassarah. Thanks for the tag, dear :heart:. I'm sure most of you have been familiar with this chained tagging game, right? If you haven't, I'll repeat the explanation.

The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about their blogs

Here we go with my answers:

What you love?
'What'?? Not 'who', right?? I love eating, playing the creepy hidden object games and hanging out with my best girlfriends where we can be just the way we are. Nobody needs pretending.

What is your hobby?
Reading novels, storybook, playing hidden object games, and surely blogging!

If you've got a daughter, what are you going to named her?
Aww.. So hard to answer. I won't give my daughter a spontaneous name. I will think hard to choose the best name for her. The name which will reflect my hopes and prayers as her parent

Do you prefer a girl or boy?
Both of them, of course. It will be perfect to have ladies and guys friends, sons and daughters. But, if it is someone to get married with, a Man lah

What do you think my blog look?
It's so simple yet so neat. If you allow me to tell you some opinions, I think it will be not that bad to add some widgets in your sidebar. But I agree if you will say clean blog is the best

Do you love tea?
I like tea but it doesn't reach the level of 'love'. I don't drink it regularly. Just brew a cup of tea when my stomach needs something warm and sweet

What is your favourite food?
Meatball soup, plueeseeee.. Indonesia's original fried rice, satay, and one food which has been my hometown, Medan's specialty, Mie Rebus Medan, and another kind of food from Aceh calls Mie Aceh. (Mie = noodle).

What you doing when you bored?
I'm sorry if I have to say this again. Playing hidden object games . What can I do? I have so many hidden object games collection which I downloaded freely. I'll download another new games before I finish one game

Do you love blogging?
Do you need to ask?

Do you love create a newlook of your blog?
Of course!! I used to apply cute theme to my blog. But I decided it's the time to get out of my comfort zone. Then I apply this my current theme which honestly I disliked before. But this theme is precisely the most complimented theme I ever got so I won't change it again. It wastes my time, seriously

List 5 blog link that you love
Here my own set of questions:
  1. Please tell me 10 facts about yourself.
  2. What the reason which make you start to blog?
  3. What do you usually write in your blog?
  4. Do you have any blogger inspire you? What is it?
  5. Ever you fallen in love with bloggers in opposite sex?
  6. We come from so many different countries with so many different languages, what language do you prefer to use as your main language in your blog and why?
  7. Do you have any talents?
  8. If you can be a writer, what story you will tell about?
  9. For Android, Samsung or Sony? Why
  10. J-Drama or K-Drama? Or do you have any kind of dramas you favor?
  11. What item do you treasure the most?
    And I tag you, you and you. Yes, you!! If you read this post, you are tagged! Please tell me in my cbox if you don't mind to do so. And I'm sorry because I can't tag any blogger friends personally because first, I had tagged them last week and second, most of my blogger friends are on hiatus

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