Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Heart (2006)

Ahhh.. Just flashback when I was a senior high school girl, this movie was so booming. Every teenagers felt so proud when they could tell their friends that the movie had been listed into their 'movie lists'. I never watch it in the movie, though. It's far in Medan. But it's okay.. One year later it was aired on TV . And it's aired many times. Over and over again. Till I've finished watching it 1 hour ago on one of our private TV channels.

It's about a love triangle story among three teens Rachel, Farrel and Luna. Rachel was a boyish girl. She always put casual look on; T-shirt or sweater and army style long pants as its match. She had been best friend with Farrel, a handsome charming boy. Farrel had a good sense of humour though kinda childish; seemed from his hobby of reading comics. Since kids, they had played together even they two had their private basketball court with a tree house nearby. One day, Rachel carve something secretly on the tree where their tree house attached on which she wouldn't ever allow Farrel to see it. Just wait till everything could be revealed thoroughly.

One day, when Farrell was about to buy his favorite comic books, Shinchan, the bookstore owner offered him a book that he said it was funny, entitled Heart. Farrell initially refused, but when he saw a glimpse of the author of the comic was a beautiful girl, he immediately bought the comic book and then pursuit the author and became acquainted with her. The author named Luna. Luna was a very beautiful and feminine girl. With a black long hair and a pair of beautiful earrings adorned her face. Farrell did not forget to ask for an autograph, phone number and home address.

At that moment, Farrell realized that he had fallen in love at first sight with Luna and then told his best best friend, Rachel. Farrell asked Rachel to help him to make Luna to be his girlfriend. Initially it was fine for Rachel , but Rachel began to feel a feeling she had never feel before. Jealousy. Rachel was jealous of the closeness between Farrel and Luna, then began to change her appearance little by little, As a starter, she started wearing earrings. It was not only that, she also lied to Farrell by saying that she already had a boyfriend, the type of her dream.

Soon, Farrell expressed his love for Luna by bringing something in a big heart shaped to confess his feeling to her. But it had been a deal between him and Rachel. If Luna kept the heart, then that means Luna received his love, but if Luna broke it, it meant she refused Farrel. And if Farrell was rejected by Luna, Rachel was allowed to hit Farrel to death with her car. There was something made Luna hesitated to accept Farrel's confession. Luna then gave a heartbreaking to Farrel. In a flash Rachel chased Farrell , trying to hit him, but Farrell had escaped .

Farrell came out on the lake with Luna. Luna began to tell him the reason why she refused Farrel. Luna was fighting with Cirrhosis,a disease hardening of the liver. For Luna, she realized that her life would not be much longer, that's what made ​​her hesitate to accept Farrel's love, when in fact Luna also loved him. Farrell then entertained her, trying to convince Luna that his love for her was sincere, till forever. Farrell instead of giving up but even more motivated to get love of Luna.

Rachel began to notice her difference with Luna, Luna was feminine and love wearing skirts and dresses , while she was always wearing casual clothes. She thought that the differences which make Farrel interested in Luna. Farrell then began to realize and see the changes when Rachel wore a dress that should be given to Luna and dressed up like a woman should be, Farrel just laugh at her. Rachel then leave him raced toward their tree house, where they usually playing basketball together. Rachel got greater jealousy when she learnt that Farrel had prepared a ring for Luna . That's when Rachel began to show his tears to Farrel. Adding to the story that she had just lost the person she loved because he went away with another girl . Farrel calmed her down telling that they would still be best friends forever .

On another day, Farrell was with Luna in a park. Rachel saw them from a far and found Farrel kissing Luna, destroying her heart completely and make her run aimlessly. Which Rachel did not know was, that when kissing, Luna spewed blood from her mouth, and had to be hospitalized immediately. Rachel ran aimlessly around the mountain slopes and falling towards the ravine. She also sent to the same hospital as Luna. Rachel had to find the bitter truth that her legs had to be amputated because it could endanger her life.

Everyday Farrel came to see Luna and Rachel at hospital, but Rachel realized that he only gave her some visit occasionally and more often visited Luna. Rachel became increasingly angry at Farrell, but Farrell and Rachel realized that Luna was seriously ill and really need a heart donor in order to survive. Luna's father, Adam and Farrel were trying to find a donor but not manage to get it. While Luna's time was getting thinner and Luna was approaching death.

Turned out Rachel donated her heart to Luna, not to save her live whom she hated for stealing her Farrell, but she hoped she could continue to live in Luna's body to keep be able to think about and love Farrell to death. Rachel also left a message for Farrell to see their tree house, the place where young Rachel ever carved something in the beginning of the film.

Farrell, who had been married to Luna and has a son, go to where they used to play basketball and climb up the tree. Therein Farrell realized that Rachel ever carved "Rachel and Farrel" in a heart shaped frame, and he also realized how Rachel loved him since they were kids.

5 komentar

  1. know what Boo, I've never watch this Heart movie :3
    but I listen to their song XD
    I don't know the story actually should be like this :D

    I love it..
    I watch another movie, I don't remember what is the title but its about the hero get a chance to tell his love to his dream girl using another person body XDD

  2. Yess. Ye should give this movie a try, Junko. You can download it freely from YouTube and I think you still can understand the language.

    Maybe it's Love is Cinta. Where the hero used someone's body to confess her love to his dream girl.

  3. I've heard of this movie, but to be honest after reading your review I wouldn't watch it. :( It sounds so screwed up. The soundtrack is nice though.

  4. @Grace

    Kinda screwed up, eh? It's nice to watch when there's no any option. haha

  5. I'll watch this later :)
    thanks neh Boo coz make the review :)

    Yess.. That's it.. Love is Cinta~ I love that movie... I cry you know TT^TT

    If only we can tell the person we love "I love you" XDD

