Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Just Some Memories

Suddenly I remember about Meteor Garden (2001). A big questions for teenagers nowadays, do you know this drama? Maybe ever heard about it? Or at least your parents ever told you about its existence. I mean, the drama ever been so booming. You HAVE to know that  There's this one weird Chinese movie which had reminded me to my first Taiwanese drama ever in where my imaginative first love had a role in it lol In case you ask what that Chinese movie is, it entitles Million Dollar Crocodile. It's about a big crocodile, a 8 metres sized crocodile, which had swallowed a million yuan from a girl's handbag. And the girl is Barbie Hsu. My expression when saw the movie was "Ehh.. She's San Chai, right? Yes, that she is!!" And then the flashback came.

The flashback how young I was as that time to watch a drama in which MANY kiss scenes were a MUST. How old our TV at that time; a kind of television which we could move to everywhere we wanted to watch it in our house. Like a pushing cart. My sister pushed it to the kitchen when she did clothes washing and we pushed it into our shared bedroom when there was a midnight movie. Our dad would not allow us watching TV at midnight. He and our mom entered their bedroom, 5 minutes later we would push it silently haha A midnight movie here is not something which showed some sexual contents or something like that. It's only western movies were aired at 10 PM above. Home Alone was one of them.

Our TV at that time was a television with a manual antenna, like insects' antenna if it's hard enough to imagine how it was like. Antenna which we had to drag it to the right or to the left, or made it stand or if not the screen would be filled with gray ants covered the whole of it. Don't touch the body or you would be electrified hahaIt's a TV without remote control, too. Talk about this remote control, ever you watched Sadako The Ring? It's about the typical girl so many guys adore nowadays: long straight hair, white skin with skinny body.

Because we didn't have a remote control to turn the TV off from the certain distance we thought was 'safe enough', I and my sister argued who should press the red button on the TV's body to turn it off. Because what?? We were too worried this would happen in our living room and there was no time to escape:

If you let me recall the older story of mine years back before the Sadako incident, back when I was a kindergarten kid. We lived in a government-owned housing in a big cocoa plantation. It's far away from the suburbs, the current place we live in. TV was a luxury at that time. We had one, but it had a bad signal catcher. That's why the state-owned TV channel which had no any cartoon programme was the best option, other than playing a wooden doll with hair made of banana leaf haha So, I and my two siblings: my older brother and sister, would join other kids in our neighbourhood migrate into one of our neighbours who had a TV with a very good signal catcher to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lol

What a random post, I know. The main point I create this entry is to remind myself what a colourful childhood I have.

4 komentar

  1. ahaha your post is so random but ikr I like to watch dramas with many kissing scenes HAHAHA idk its fun. I wonder if its a phase and if i'll grow out of it when I become older like you or that I'm just hopeless for those girly stuff HAHAH

  2. Yes, it's random -,-". Actually I wanna lengthen it to the synopys of Meteor Garden itself, but too worry it would be a very long post. -,-"

  3. your post brings me to remember my own memories, especially about the "antenna". Your entry is simple, but touching off course :D

  4. @Kuchiki
    You also have a story about 'antenna'?? Lemme know.. Lemme know. You have to tell me if you manage to make a post about your random memories. I'll happily read it. ^,^

