Senin, 09 Juni 2014

3rd Liebster Award - Kinai

Yeayy.. I got this my 3rd Liebster Award from another sweet Malaysian girl Kinai. But I'm sorry, Kinai. I won't make my own set of questions neither tag anybody. Because I have a very few blogger friends and most of them had been tagged before by me. But please take a note I LOVE being tagged and answer your (whoever asking) questions. Here we go with Kinai's set of 11 questions:

What is your full name?
I think there won't be any harm doing this. I'll tell you my full name: Lia Agustina Damanik. If you are an English person, please don't spell my first name by saying it like 'liar' without 'r' in English. Imagine it's a Korean name (just to make it easier), read it: Lee Ya.

How old are you?
Oh my God. Don't you ever heard about never ask her age to a girl? Okay, no lah. Just kidding. It's not something humiliated got asked how young I am. Lol. I'm 23 years young. Next month on July 31st, I'll be 24. So don't hesitate to wish me a happy birthday and don't forget about the pressieee... Lol.

Where were you born, and where do you live?
I start to ask myself who this girl actually is. Are you doing an international census? Lol. I was born in a government-owned housing in a big cocoa plantation. It's far, far away from the suburbs. When I was five, we moved into our own home in the suburbs (where I live now). It only needs 1 hour to reach Medan, the capital of this province North Sumatra, Indonesia.

Why did you start this blog?
Honestly it's because I'm a follower. Lol. I read so many cool blogs and thought it would be as cool as them if I build my own one. Turned out it's not that easy to run a blog even though a personal one. If you don't have an attractive life to talk about on your blog, your brain has to be creative enough to make your plain life be much attractive. I have none -,-"

Do you find reading is lame?
Yes, if it's horoscope (sorry if it's rude for some of you).

Do you believe in best friend forever?
I don't think so. First, I don't know what the real meaning of 'forever' is. Lol. I mean, what term can be used to categorise something as 'forever'? But I hope having a chance to own that kind of some people call BFFs. Back when I was in primary school, I had 3 best friends till we entered the senior high school. We continuously be best friends for 6 years in primary school, 3 years in junior high and 3 years in senior high. So it's 12 years in total. But after graduating from senior high, slowly but surely we had been separated by each path of ours. And now, we talk if it's necessary :( like strangers.

The same happened with my good friends in college. I hope they won't read this. Lol. But if it's a friendship which can be counted as 'as long as possible', I have. These three girls of mine I acquainted with in my sophomore in high school ^,^

List 3 or more English novels that you like the most.
1. The White Masai by Corinne Hofmann
It's about a Germany woman who tried her best to struggle her love with a Masai tribesman, Lketinga. If you wanna read the spoiler, I have one. Lol. Click here to go.

2. Notes Left Behind by Brooke & Keith Desserich
This book is the true story of a six-year-old girl named Elena and her battle against paediatric brain cancer. Doctor had diagnosed Elena just had several weeks left in this world, that's the reason behind the decision of her parents to make a journal about their togetherness, the progress from Elena's medication and of course as a memory.

3. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
This is the most favourite series of Harry Potter book of mine. The presence of Sirius Black gave more human-being feel from Harry. How he actually was not alone in family case. He had a father. A godfather.

If you were accepted to Hogwarts, which house would you be in? Why?
Of course Gryffindor. If only the three main characters were in Slytherin, I'll follow them into that dorm, too. Lol. Because what? The camera follow the main characters the most. Hahahaha.

List 5 movies that everyone should at least, watch once in their lifetime.
1. Django Unchained.
click here if you wanna read the spoiler.
2. A Little Thing Call Love
click here if you wanna read the spoiler.
3. Captain Philips
click here if you wanna read the spoiler.
4. Les Misérables
click here if you wanna read the spoiler.
5. Laskar Pelangi
click here if you wanna find what it is about (not spoiler).

List 5 songs that you like.
Sempurna by Andra & The Backbone
Laskar Pelangi by Nidji
Let It Go by Demi Lovato
Time Machine by SNSD
Love Story by Taylor Swift

What do you think of my blog? 
Dear, Kinai. You ask me an honest answer, right. Honestly, just like other new blogs I found accidentally, I didn't really give any attention to your blog. But, by reading your Liebster post, I read it completely, I found that your English is very good. You talk naturally without any force with your arranging words, to look like a pro. I love the way you write, seriously.I think there is one similarity between us, we are bad in blogging in our own language (but seriously I say the truth: your English is way better than me). haha. Tell me if I'm not mistaken, okay.

And another honest expression from deep of my heart is I dislike your blog skin. So dark :( As you have to know that I'm a kid in my heart. I love pastel colors, pink and any cute stuffs adorn my blog skin. But there won't be any hard feeling, please :D It's not something big, okay. No matter what, your blog posts are mostly cool. And then, I love your photos. I force you to tell me what camera you use and what app which helps you to edit them Lol. Once again, thankies sweetheart.

4 komentar

  1. Aw I love how honest you were! Esp the last question. Some of the ppl think by being a sweet-talker can satisfy others, but it actually doesn't! But you are like so direct, and I just love that!

    You are super funny too haha stay this way! And thanks for the movies suggestion! Im going to buy 'A little thing call love' dvd soon

    Oh not forgetting, I use nikon d5100 take pictures and edit em using vscocam. It's available for both iphone and android!(But I'll admit that vsco for iphone is slightly better than the android one)

    p.s your English is better than mine! xx

  2. Ahhh.. Kinai, thanks dear. No, I'll try my best not being a sweet-talker just to please people. But I won't straightly hurt their feeling just because I'm lazy to build a proper sentences to convey what I mean. WTF is this? Lol

    Yes, you should watch that Thai movie. So cute, funny and romantic at once. And thanks for the VSCO recommendation because you had reminded me that iPhone has the better system than Android my phone. Lol

  3. little crazy thing called love my favie Thai movie :D

    Owh and all song you mention I love it too XDD ahahaha

    especially Sempurna XD

  4. Junko, where is your cbox? I can't find it :(

