Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Cemara Asri

Accompanied Chang visited her boyfriend's sister who was hospitalized in Haji Hospital in Medan yesterday. I asked her to bring me to Cemara Asri as so many friends of mine who had indirectly showed off their artsy photos taken in a China-like place. Lol.  

Cemara Asri is a high class housing and villa area where Chinese are the majority. There is a Buddhist Monastery at the end of the housing which people apart from the Chinese take that place as a sightseeing and photographed location.

In the front terrace of the monastery, there are some altars and one big statue where the Buddhist take place to have their prays. So it's really impolite I think where people were very casually took photos like there's nothing happened around them. It's a good option for me to rotate our way in order to avoid stepping in the praying area.

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