I’ll follow you where ever the place you may go.
Be it Heaven.
It’s a story about Han Jung Suh and her best friend Cha Song Joo. As childhood friends, Jung Suh and Song Joo had a special bond that blossomed into love. They were always by each other’s side when Song Joo’s father dies and Jung Suh’s mother dies due to an eye cancer. After a few months, Jung Suh’s father meets an actress Mi Rae and falls in love with her. The two of them get married and Jung Suh is very happy that her father is finally smiling, stating to Song Joo that she hasn’t seen her father smiles like that since her mother died.
After the stepmother moves in, she brings her daughter Yuri and her son Tae Hwa. The two siblings are children of Mi Rae and her drunken jobless man who had been hidden from public to keep her image clean. In front of Jung Suh’s father, Yuri and Mi Rae act like a perfect kindhearted new mother and sister, but when Jung Suh’s father leaves for work, her stepmother shows her true nature as a cruel woman. And Yuri, in their new school, spreads the rumour that Jung Suh is the kid hidden by the actress Mi Rae. Mi Rae also thwarts Jung Suh’s attempts to study abroad with Song Joo by using it has not been yet a long time since they become a new family as a reason.
So, Song Joo leaves to America to study alone, leaving the sad Jung Suh behind. Jung Suh is left alone to suffer in the silent cruelty of her step sister and mother. Mi Rae’s plotting for her own daughter to win the affections of Song Joo, who comes from a rich family, and thwarts any attempts of Jung Suh’s to be with Song Joo, like never gives the letter sent by him from America to Jung Suh. All the while, Jung Suh tries to be nice to her new step brother, Tae Hwa, who in return mistakes his friendship for affection. Tae Hwa falls in love with her step sister.
Time passes. The four teenager have grown up and it’s the time for Song Joo to be back to Korea. Jung Suh who has heard the news about Song Joo’s comeback, is in rush to go to the airport but Yuri chases her from behind with their father’s car. Jung Suh is the first one reaches the airport but she has not met Song Joo yet. Yuri can not control her car then hits Jung Suh. She brings Jung Suh to a hospital. In there, there is a chaos for having been a big accident that kills some people. Yuri looks a corpse who has been really hard to be recocnized because of the bad injured in her face.

Yuri takes Jung Suh’s pendant and put it to the cprpse and she then brings Jung Suh’s body to her biological father’s house. She asks her father to be a good daddy for her at least once in their entire life, which is willing to save her to hide the truth that she is someone behind Jung Suh’s fake death. Knowing that his Jung Suh has died, Song Joo desperates so badly. Tae Hwa and his father then take care Jung Suh together. And when Jung Suh awakes, it turns out the car accident has had her an amnesia. She doesn’t know who she is and who the two men in front of her. Tae Hwa says that she is his sister. Ans secretly Tae Hwa promises himself not to bring Jung Suh back to her family.
Tae Hwa having passion in painting, get a project to paint in an indoor amusement park owned by Song Joo’s family. And the young graceful Jung Suh has changed to be a brave woman. It has gone a long time for Jung Suh to live together with Tae Hwa and his father, finally Song Joo meets her in one place. Jung Suh who is still under her amnesia, can not recognize who Song Joo is. Song Joo ensures Jung Suh that she is indeed Jung Suh. He brings her to their house nearby a beach where they spend their childhood before they move to big city.
Jung Suh still can not remember who Song Joo is. Even Yuri gets really shock when she meets her step sister and it turns out Jung Suh will work in the same company with her. Yuri treats Jung Suh so badly till Yuri reapeats the same mistake like she ever did to Jung Suh. She almost hist Jung Suh with her car that brings Jung Suh’s memory back. Jung Suh knows who she is and runs to find Song Joo that now she has remembered him. Unfortunately Song Joo has given up and it makes him not too happy when he says Jung Suh has remembered everything. He takes it as a joke.
Till her father meets Jung Suh and asks his daughter to go home. Mi Rae acts by crying so loudly how she misses her loss daughter. The grown up Jung Suh is different with the young weak Jung Suh. Now, she can protect herself from her step mother’s and sister’s pressure. Yuri thinking she has been success to replace Jung Suh as Song Joo’s fiance, has to swallow the bitter pile when she knows that Song Joo wants to marry Jung Suh.
Tae Hwa and his father who can not stand to see Mi Rae’s and Yuri’s bad habits, reveal the truth that Yuri is someone who has hit Jung Suh and brought her body to be took care by her father. Mi Rae becomes crazy and be brought to jail with Yuri and her father. But happiness is still not siding to Song Joo and Jung Suh. Jung Suh having an aye cancer like her mother and it has been in final stadium. Tae Hwa who wants Jung Suh to be happy, makes a testament that he will donate his eyes to Jung Suh. Then he kills himself by hitting his car on the highway. But the great effort by Tae Hwa still can not save Jung Suh. The cancer finally sends Jung Suh to death. Song Joo spreads Jung Suh’s ash to the beach where they used to play in their childhood.

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