The series tells the tale of two sworn sisters: Xiao Yanzi, an orphaned adventuress, and Ziwei, a talented young lady with an interesting history. Ziwei is actually the illegitimate daughter of Emperor Qianlong. Eighteen years ago, Qianlong had had an affair with her mother, Xia Yuhe, at Lake Daming in Jinan. Because of political reasons, Qianlong left Yuhe, promising to return for her. However, she was already pregnant with his child and waited faithfully for his return. On her deathbed, Yuhe asks Ziwei to find her father, Qianlong.
With her servant Jinsuo, Ziwei travels to Beijing, only to discover the challenges of entering the Forbidden City. While trying to find a way in, they meet Xiao Yanzi at a wedding. Having been abandoned at a young age, Xiao Yanzi lives with her friends Liu Qing and Liu Hong in the Da Zha Yuan. Ziwei and Xiao Yanzi become close friends, with Ziwei moving in with Xiao Yanzi as she runs out of supplies and money. The night after they take a vow of sisterhood, Ziwei tells Xiao Yanzi her mother's last request and her secret mission.
Xiao Yanzi agrees to help Ziwei, and they plan to meet Qianlong during his hunting trip to a local mountain. However, the climb proves to be a challenge for the frail Ziwei and Jinsuo, and Ziwei decides instead to send Xiao Yanzi as her trustworthy messenger. She gives Xiao Yanzi a fan and painting, both gifts that Qianlong gave Yu He years ago.

In the chaos of the hunt, Xiao Yanzi is shot with an arrow by Fifth Prince Yongqi. Wounded and barely conscious, Xiao Yanzi cannot explain her mission to Qianlong, and seeing Xiao Yanzi carrying his fan and painting, he assumes Xiao Yanzi is Yu He's daughter. He treats Xiao Yanzi kindly as she heals, and with having had a parentless childhood, she decides to "borrow" Ziwei's father for a few days. However, she is soon overcome with guilt.
Meanwhile, Ziwei is frantically worried about Xiao Yanzi, afraid that she was captured and executed as a female assassin. One day, Ziwei sees Xiao Yanzi parading the streets with Qianlong in a palaquin with the title "Huanzhu Gege" and believes Xiao Yanzi has deceived her. Hurt and confused, she chases after the palaquin, screaming Xiao Yanzi's name and causing a commotion. The emperor's guards rush to restrain her, but when Fu Erkang, one of the Emperor's bodyguards, hears hints that she might be telling the truth, he rescues her. The Fu family soon learns the full truth.
Life in the Palace
Ziwei and Jinsuo are persuaded by the Fus to live in the Fu household, Xue Shi Fu, temporarily. Around this time, Xiao Yanzi learns she could be beheaded for lying to the emperor if the truth comes out. Because both Yongqi and Ertai are infatuated with Xiao Yanzi, they ask Ziwei to keep quiet about her secret.
Slowly, Erkang and Ziwei begin to fall in love. Erkang realizes their marriage is impossible, however, because he cannot marry Ziwei if she only has the status of a commoner. Meanwhile, Xiao Yanzi has her own troubles in the Forbidden City. Her outlandish behaviour and lack of sense of propriety shock and offend the Empress, and one day, even Qianlong becomes overwhelmed with Xiao Yanzi's disobedience and outspokenness. Punished by him with twenty beatings despite pleas from Consort Ling, Yongqi, and Ertai, Xiao Yanzi briefly dreams of fleeing palace life. However, Qianlong and Xiao Yanzi soon mend fences and become even closer.
Sensing the romance between Ziwei and Erkang, Erkang's parents, Fu Da Ren and Fu Jin, kindly ask Ziwei to give up Erkang. Heartbroken, Ziwei and Jinsuo leave Xue Shi Fu without notice, leaving Erkang in panic. Unsuccessful in his search, he calls for the help of Xiao Yanzi, who finds out where Ziwei is from Liu Qing and Liu Hong. When the friends finally find Ziwei, they decide it is perhaps best to sneak Ziwei into the Forbidden City as well.
Ziwei, along with Jinsuo, enjoys an excellent start in the Forbidden City. Although only a court maid, she quickly attracts Qianlong's attention with her talent, intelligence, and kindness. This arouses the jealousy of the Empress, who views Ziwei as a potential political threat. She secretly brings Ziwei to her palace, Kunning Gong, and pierces her with needles. Ziwei nearly dies but is rescued by Qianlong, Xiao Yanzi, Erkang, Ertai, and Yongqi. The incident impresses Qianlong with Ziwei's inner strength, and his love for Xiao Yanzi and Ziwei becomes so great that he takes them on his Wei Fu Chu Xing.
Traveling outside Beijing (Wei Fu Chu Xun)
Qianlong uses the time to enjoy life outside the Forbidden City. Hoping to reveal Ziwei's true identity without angering the emperor, Erkang, Yongqi, and Ertai plan to find a chance to request a special order from Qianlong, promising that he will never execute Ziwei and Xiao Yanzi.
During the trip, feelings between Xiao Yanzi and Yongqi begin to arise. Yongqi had begun to develop a crush on Xiao Yanzi after discovering she is not really his sister. However, their relationship is awkward because they are currently considered brother-sister. When Yongqi first admits his feelings to Xiao Yanzi, she is confused and bewildered, but quickly becomes jealous when another girl named Cai Lian likes Yongqi. Xiao Yanzi could not eat or speak during his presence because of her jealously. The day after, when Xiao Yanzi suddenly got a horse and ride away, Yongqi chases after her. Xiao Yanzi got injured and Yongqi told her that she is the only one in his heart and Cai Lian doesn't have the tiniest part of his heart. Once they kissed,Xiao Yanzi returns Yongqi's feelings, and in the meantime, romance between Ziwei and Erkang grows deeper. Unfortunately, Qianlong, subconsciously recalling Ziwei's mother, falls in love with Ziwei as well. Throughout the journey, Xiao Yanzi fights injustice, rescuing many civilians.
Qianlong's Wei Fu Chu Xing is abruptly put to a halt when an old woman tries to assassinate the emperor. Ziwei shields Qianlong from the knife, and though the others get rid of the assassins, the damage is done. Thinking she is on her deathbed, Ziwei asks Qianlong never to execute Xiao Yanzi, which he agrees. She then asks Erkang to marry and thus provide for Jinsuo, her loyal servant and friend.
Miraculously, Ziwei surviving the stabbing, and Qianlong admires her all the more for her remarkable bravery and unbelievably wise, which is very rare for such a girl like her. After returning to the Forbidden City, Qianlong hints that he wants to take Ziwei as his concubine. Meanwhile, Princess Saiya, have arrived in Beijing.

Arrival of the Princess and Conclusion
Saiya and Xiao Yanzi quickly develop a rivalry, as Saiya's kung fu skills stir up feelings of competition. After fighting against Erkang in a match, Saiya develops a crush on Erkang. Her father asks Qianlong if he can arrange a marriage between Saiya and Erkang. Although Qianlong originally intended to save Erkang for Xiao Yanzi, he agrees, creating huge dilemmas for Ziwei and Erkang.
At this point, Xiao Yanzi, Ziwei, Yongqi, Erkang, Ertai, and Jinsuo decide it is time to reveal their secret. Qianlong is shocked to discover Ziwei is his true daughter, as he had once considered taking her in as a concubine. He is hurt to know that Xiao Yanzi and Ziwei, two people he trusted most, had tricked him. The Empress takes advantage of the situation to tell Qianlong that she always knew something was wrong with Xiao Yanzi and Ziwei. Under pressure from the Empress, Qianlong agrees to imprison Xiao Yanzi and Ziwei in Zhong Ren Fu, even though Consort Ling pleads that he reconsiders. Jinsuo, wanting to risk her life rather than Ziwei's, joins them.
Hoping to finish Xiao Yanzi and Ziwei once and for all, the Empress conspires with Liang Da Ren, the man in charge of Zhong Ren Fu. She orders him to force Xiao Yanzi, Ziwei, and Jinsuo to sign a statement that their disguise was for an attempt to murder Qianlong. Refusing to sign such a ridiculous document, the three girls are whipped harshly. Knowing that the three cannot survive long in such conditions, Yongqi, Erkang, and Ertai risk their lives and break into the jail to free the three girls. Because they have broken the law, the six decide to run away forever.
At the same time, Qianlong begins to regret his actions. He realizes how much he has grown to love Xiao Yanzi and Ziwei. His officers and Consort Ling also beg that he release them. Qianlong goes to Zhong Ren Fu and decides to let them go, but is aghast that they had already escaped. Furious, Qianlong orders that they all be found and executed.
Feelings of guilt arise as Xiao Yanzi and her entourage run away. Ertai decides to return to the Forbidden City and explain matters to Qianlong. Knowing that Ertai would most likely be beheaded, Ziwei begs that they all return and face Qianlong. They soon agree and return to the Forbidden City.
Despite his original intention to behead them all, Qianlong is heartbroken to see that the three girls have been whipped. He orders them to return to their house (Shu Fang Zai) in the Forbidden City to rest, but they refuse to go until he has forgiven Yongqi, Erkang, and Ertai. Feigning reluctance at first, Qianlong soon admits the entire matter is actually his fault for getting involved with Yu He in the first place. As he also cannot bear to kill his favourite people, he forgives them all. At Shu Fang Zai, Qianlong recognizes Ziwei as his daughter. He hand-feeds her medicine and the two share a father-daughter hug. Despite not being of royal blood, Xiao Yanzi keeps her title as the beloved Huanzhu Gege.
Only the Empress and Nanny Rong are displeased with these developments. The Empress reprimands Qianlong for being tricked by "some eighteen-year-old girls." Qianlong ignores her and questions her on her involvement in conspiring against the girls. Angered, Qianlong orders the Empress's and Nanny Rong's immediate removal to Zhong Ren Fu. Yongqi begs Qianlong to reconsider: it is inappropriate to punish the "Mother of the Country." In her desperation and fury that Qianlong no longer considers her thoughts, the Empress snatches a nearby scissors and cuts part of her hair off, intending to flee to the monastic Buddhist life. Ziwei pleads mercy on their behalf, hoping to make peace with the Empress. Qianlong relents, and the rivalry seems to have ended.
The last obstacle, the proposal between Saiya and Erkang, is solved when Ertai courts Saiya as a favour to Erkang, and the two fall in love. The story concludes with a ceremony, during which Ziwei is proclaimed Ming Zhu Gege (明珠格格, lit. Princess Bright Pearl). Qianlong also announces a betrothal between Xiao Yanzi and Yongqi, Ziwei and Erkang, and Ertai and Saiya. The three couples and Jinsuo end the series by riding on horseback through the countryside, singing with joy.
From Wikipedia..
Make this post for the sake of my personal drama documentary..
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