Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

She'll Get Married

Just flashback how boyish she used to be, I never think she will get married soon. We started to be friends before we entered the elementary school. I and my family moved into our current home more or less 18 years ago. I remember one day in that time, I fought with my sister and I run out home to go to daddy's office which actually I didn't know how to reach there.

In tears, I walked on the roadside and a man, who maybe felt curious why there was a 6 years old girl crying, approached me and asked where I wanted to go. I said I wanted to go to my daddy's office and luckily what a kind hearted man he is. He brought me to his home instead of bringing me somewhere. In his home, he told me to play with his daughter. She is Ayu. Since that, we are inseparable as stamps.

Together with Risa and Rahayu, we registered into the same school, entered the same class since first grade in elementary school till grade 9 in junior high. I loved doll, she adored football. I preferred pink, she favored black. In short, I'm princess, she was knight. Lol. Sadly class divisions in senior high was unfavorable to us. She then met her new gang, and so did I, Risa and Rahayu. But, we remained faithful. 

The girly me, Risa and Rahayu chose Teen Red Cross for extracurricular and she chose Scout. We used to manage at least every weekend to hang out in some designated place. We used to alternately visit each of our homes. Presents for the birthday girl was a must.

When Ayu was the secretary of the Student Council, we purposely took part in any study events. It was just because we thought it would be fun if we were the head for the different sections. Ahh.. Time passed so fast. We have grown up. Rahayu with her two children and now, Ayu is a bride-to-be. About I and Risa.. we'll see..

And something funny according to me is she will be the wife of Bang Frans, my neighbour. And ssttt.. he ever confessed his love to Molida who is now very much regret that she once rejected him. Uhm.. So dramatic.

Edit: Today, February 28, 2014, Ayu is a legal wife to him. I hope you become a happy family (Sakinah, Mawaddah wa Rahmah) and eventually blessed with offsprings. Get healthy, get wealthy.


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