Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Always Remember Me

Amarantha or Amy in short, has lost her parents in a car accident when she was still young. And now, she has been staying with her aunt Gwenda for several years. Gwenda has taken care of her ever since. However, her pension is not enough to fully pay for Amy’s college tuition, which is why she takes the part-time job at an ice cream parlor during the summer. Amy thinks that her job in that ice cream parlor is the reason why Osher, a father of her lovly boyfriend, Aaron, refuses their relationship.

On one evening, they were walking together, hand in hand, watching as the sun descend beneath the horizon. It was a wearing on evening. The warm colours of twilight were starting to fade from the sky. Amy conveyed what she felt about Aaron’s fatther’s disapproval of her. Aaron calmed her down and explained that it had no relation between her par-time job with Osher’s disapproval. He made sure that’s only his father’s stubborn.

They reached the staircase that lead back to the boardwalk and parking lot where Aaron’s motorcycle was parked. They rode the motorbike and the sun disappeared beneath the horizon. Then the darkness of night began to overtake the sky. On to the nearly empty road that lead back into town, came a strange feeling of foreboding settled over Amy. She shivered involuntarily, despite the warm temperature, and squeezed Aaron tightly, watching as it got darker and darker on the one-way road. 

They waited patiently for the light to change colour, and when the green circle let them off its artificial glow, Aaron resumed driving. They just entered one intersection when, very suddenly, another car barrelling down the road, swerving back and forth as it approached them. Aaron tried to steer away from the oncoming vehicle, but there was no hope of evasion. The car made no attempt to brake as it passed through the red light and collided with them. 

All she remembered before the hellacious sound of the crash and losing consciousness was Aaron turning the motorcycle to try and protect Amy from being directly hit. When she opened her eyes, the brightness of the lights above her were almost blinding. Amy was hospitalized. Then a young doctor entered her room. He was Eddy. He assured Amy that Aaron was fine and his life was in no danger. Eddy continued that Aaron had sustained a head injury though it would recover, but he had lost some of his memories.

Eddy extended his explanation. Aaron is suffering from amnesia, he still retains long term memories, but recent ones from the past few years were hazy or nonexistent. Eddy also added that when his team asked if Aaron was having a girlfriend, he didn’t seem to remember anyone by the name of ‘Amy’.

Said there was no something wrong with her, Amy started to work in the ice cream parlor in the next morning. There’s a guy, a partner of hers named Lawrence. He was a bit shy. Instead of talking directly, he felt more comfort to convey what he wanted to via text message. But he was such a kind hearted guy. So patient. So understanding.

But her mind was overloaded of Aaron’s amnesia. She started googling about that suffer. That amnesia is a condition in which memory is disturbed or lost completely. People can forget about things they did, or they will simply fail to remember the things they are currently doing in the near future...

Eddy told Amy that although Aaron still didn’t remember anything about who she was, but she was still be able to take a part in helping him to rebuild his memories. Since they were close to each other, precisely Amy knew something Aaron liked or places he loved. However, a wrong girl entered in the wrong time. Abigail, Aaron’s ex-girlfriend. She was a manipulative girl who never really loved him. With her fake smile, approached Aaron pretending she was his girlfriend. No matter what, Abigail was excluded in the forgotten memories. 

Some ways Amy did to distract her grief were going to the park to relax or did jogging, to the library to borrow some books to read for Aaron, writing course or update her blog, and to mall to have window shopping or meet Hugh. A guy friend of hers. He was an immature boy that often hangs around some of Amy’s friends. He was always around Amy, but she was not really sure what he wanted from her.

With Aaron’s memories which had deleted her partially, and some guys around her who looked like inadvertently could be Aaron’s replacement, would Amy keep faith with their love without giving up? Or would she find another love?

6 komentar

  1. Awww~! Are you playing dating sims too?
    Already play Starry Sky? *u*

  2. @ はな ✧ I haven't play it yet. but my curiousity over that otome game is higher and higher. I used to play dating sims on mobile and I'm a freshman in this PC otome games. hehe

  3. i already get all endings of this game!!! ^o^
    i love the Ending with his bf :3

  4. Then I recommended Starry Sky in Spring! Because English patch for the other series of starry sky are not up yet ;;w;;

  5. @Shiro Usagi
    Ugh. Actually I think this game rather boring for me. I prefer the creepy hidden object games. It's hard to get any boy.

    はな ✧
    Yes.. Yes.. That Starry Sky is really tempting to play. Absolutely I'll give a try.. Teehee

