Ahh.. First day of 365 days in one year ahead. I think it is a must for me to force my self to be more 'discipline' in blogging. Like what I will tell in this post. It's one of the most important events in my life throughout last year, 2014. Or, uhmm.. yesterday. It was my first Teacher's Day celebration as a teacher. When I was a school student, I used to celebrate it. It's a must. But I did it as a student. It means I greeted my teacher and this time, I got it from my students.

Sadly I had a class in Medistra on that day. I can't follow the ceremony. After my class in Medistra, I was in rush to SMK and the ceremony was over. The teachers and students were shaking hand alternately when I reached there. I was the only one who wore the different uniform so I was kinda shy to join them. Then one of my students approached me. A boy in sophomore. He gave me something wrapped in pink or purple paper. I was surprised and almost feeling shy because I'm not a homeroom. Fortunately I still remembered to thank him for the gift. It's a blue food carrier inside. My friends nagged me since they got nothing. Lol.

Every teachers and staffs; include the cleaning services got a jersey-like T-shirt on that Teacher's day. After the ceremony, we had breakfast in the School Hall and the Headmaster greeted the whole teachers Happy Teacher's Day. Because it was the birthday for the whole teachers in Indonesia, our headmaster gave gifts for the teachers who were born on that date. We had Nasi Urap and Nasi Tumpeng. For the Nasi Tumpeng, our headmaster advised the single teachers to eat. Who know we will meet out mate soon. I was one of the teachers who follow his advise. Lol.

The last day of 2014, eh? (I hope so. Since I usually just draft my blogpost then publish it another days, or weeks. Ever months 👎)

I regret myself no be able to manage time to blog like I used to. I realised I've lost so many important memories which should be kept in this blog. Everything 'first time'.

So many 'first time' memories which actually can be written if only I'm not that lazy, or if I'm a little bit diligent, my body was tired so badly.

My first time face the students in a class, how to get their attention. Like, "hey, there is someone standing in front of your class. It's me, your NEW teacher".

My first time in Independence Day ceremony, joining other teachers standing in teachers' standing spot, in KORPRI batik shirt.

My first salary!! How I was proud giving my first salary to my parents. It's a small amount of money, though.
My first Teacher's Day as a teacher not a student. I used to greet my teacher with Happy Teacher's Day but now I got it from my students. Even they were jokingly ask what present I want on that day 💑

I got a cute present! A purple food carrier from my student, a boy. I'm teaching in a vocational school. Most of the students are boys which I and You have known the students are so much "different" from common senior high school 🐰

But I really feel blessed for the chance to know my students. I am their teacher but slowly but sure I did learnt so many things from them. From the simplest thing, learn not to be an ego-centric teacher. I have to understand them that they do not study on my subject only. I learn how to control my emotion and try my best to motivate them. I even had learnt that I have to imitate how to talk with a toddler when I was with my girl students ⛄they are so sensitive. I am young. I don't want to be considered as their rival.

 Next week is the new semester. I promise myself I will force my soul to blog regularly. Even it was only 5 months more or less but I can not recall the whole things had happened 🐷 it's truly a sin!

Last two weeks I and my sister finally had a time to give Rumah Burger a try. We reached there by our motorbike because it was located not in a common culinary bussiness area. It was in a housing residents in Medan. I have to admit delicious foods do not need any special commercial location. People will hunt them no matter what! 

We ordered Blepot Burger if I'm not mistaken it is the name. Blepot means messy. It's too big in real. The sauce you look covered the burger is made of ground beef. So yummy! Worry will cause any food waste, we finish it by sharing and after making sure it was done perfectly, we ordered another dish. Spaghetti uhm.. something.

It was served on a plate as big as a round tray! We could not finish it. No worry. They provide us free styrofoam to bring our undone foods home. My sister ordered ice lime and kuini float for me. Oh, that day was a treat from her. hehe..


Credit to: ZenPencil
Finally after months I can get my breath back to its normal circulation. I can sleep peacefully without any worry for the undone assignments. I can have my breakfast like a boss in front of the TV with those two-bit gossip programmes but still worth it done in the leisure time. I do not need to prepare any materials to give to my students for the next meeting; in two schools. 

If you need to know, I struggle to get through this semester. I came to campus just to submit my assignments and to get the new ONES. Wednesday is the worst among the whole week. I have to attend my class in my first school, hurry up to another school after the bell rang and then carry my backpack filled with laptop, books, lunch box and wedges to campus with the stress of undone assignments or if it had been done, another stress of debating with my group mates about the miscommunication of how we should do it. Yes I put my wedges into my backpack since I can't stand its heels so I bring a flat shoes as reserve. 

And Thursday, I have classes start from 8 am to 5.30 pm with some breaks in between. That is why Friday is a great day for me. I smile since that day and back frowning when Sunday comes. It is too close to Monday!! Lol. And now... The holiday has come. It is started by me and my classmates went to a waterpark in Pancurbatu. We went there on weekdays because first, it's cheaper. haha.. And then, it was less crowded than weekend. We swam like in our private pool. We had a very good time. We splashed water to others like baby huey. We held each other's waist and slided from the pool slide which is almost 17 meters tall. And of course took so many photos. And it's look like we are so blessed on that day because last Thursday was the only day in this week which the sun shined so bright.
I really, really rarely re-post something from another sources but this time is an exception. Because what? It's so touching!

A picture can speak a thousand words, such as photographs taken by a pair of these grandparents. Every season change, their picture taken with the same pose, in front of their home as a memento of their love journey.

From the photos below you can see a touching love story, a love story that is filled with happiness, hope, loyalty, and sometimes filled with the grief and loss.

Can you imagine what the grandpa feels? 
Ahh.. After almost than one year we haven't seen each other, finally last week we could manage time to meet up. Me met Fani, Ira and Ayu. Without the lost girl Sitti. Don't know why we took less pictures last week. One of the blatant aging effect, maybe. Huahaha.. As always, there was no another better option than Plaza Medan Fair. Something unexpected happened at our meeting; Fani the most lelet girl in Medan was the first person reached the place. Amazing. Lol.

I love to snap foody pictures. They're so beautiful in my sight. 
You will fall, lose, and get hurt. Accept that people will betray you and disappoint you. Accept that your life is not a movie with a perfect path. Accept that life can get rough and beat you until you cannot take it any more. Accept that you will not receive all what you seek. Why? Because this is reality, this is no fairytale. Life is not being tough on you only, life is tough on everyone. Now the question is, am I being pessimistic or optimistic? Well, it all depends on how you view it. Falling, losing and getting hurt are all characteristics of leaders. 
Leaders are people who have lost money, friends, and opportunities but did not lose hope. Leaders are people who powerfully rushed through their problems like soldiers rushing through their training. God is training you. And since when was training easy? How do you expect to become an expert without solving all the riddles? You need to answer all the questions, and master them before you teach them. 
Thus, God is training you for a day you are incapable of envisioning. For God sees a leader in you which you do not see in yourself. -- Mohammed Zeyara

We had the discussion on time last week  and this cutie tummy asked something hot and spicy to be filled with. This bakso (meatball) was the best choice. Chang introduced me to this gigantic meatball back then in 2008 when she deal with her university entrance exam. And it tastes so good. The price is affordable for students like us. Please take a note that I am a student now. Lol.

But I was with Kak Noni. The new friend I acquainted with in my new university. I always get a free ride from her who came to campus by motorbike everyday. College is over at almost 6 in the evening. So I had to get rush to reach the mini bus stop if I do not want to miss the last mini bus.

We had a plan to give Rumah Burger (Burger House) a visit but it's still a plan. The schedules we had in our works and assignments are so tight.

Ahh.. Now, I teach in two schools, Alhamdulillaah for this chances, O Allah.. Hope you do the best in your daily lives, Pals.
She had been so sick.. My brother had turned the horn on several times. He thought she had went away from the car. But she didn't. Panda, I miss you :(

You're so tiny, dear.

In life, you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you, and some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are the rare and amazing people who remind you why it’s worth it -- Unknown
Hello, bloggy..
Miss me? I miss you so much, lho.

Just a short reminder for you all of my friends, I'm still exist on this lovely place; the best planet from the universe calls Earth. Actually I wanna make this blog under hiatus status and create a new one by using Bahasa Indonesia, but I changed my mind then. I recalled all these posts I'd made since the end of November 2012, the friends I'd acquainted with virtually, more than enough friends to be 'showed off' im my affiliates sidebar (most of them whom I was the first one who asked to exchange link, Lol), all of them are too worth to throw.

Everything has changed.
  • I'm not 23 anymore.
  • I have been a teacher.
  • And now, I'm a postgraduate student.
The first one is just to remind you why none of you wish me a happy birthday on last 31 of July, huh?! Lol, kidding. The second and the last are the reasons why I stopped blogging for more than 2 months.

I'll tell you in the next post, okay.
Now I have to continue finishing my assignments.
Assignments every week.
College schedule is Monday to Wednesday, but the assignments are from Monday to Sunday -,-"
Bye, dears..

Several months have gone by since Bella’s happy and peaceful life has crumbled to dust. The police and FBI have looked everywhere for her son, but all their efforts were futile. Bella could never have imagined that the fateful package with no return address would have turned her whole life upside down.

The package was a castle painting which in the night, made her son’s soul replaced it in the frame. By the suggestion of a clairvoyant who said her son was trapped by a monstrous creature, Bella began her journey to find her son back. 

Wizard Ethiel had used frost and suffering to sow the seeds of destruction in The Frozen World, nourished The Forest Kingdom, caused an imminent full-force eruption in The Dragon Realm, fallen The Dwarven Realm into darkness and tormented the sea dwellers on the ocean floor in The Sea Realm. Helping the whole kingdoms and they will help Bella to acquire piece by piece of her son’s soul painting canvas.

Every location was so pretty really like some animated paintings. But, is it a game for kids? There was no challenge. I hate creepiness the hidden object games always gives but play this game had realized me the creepiness is the main element which should be there in a HOG. If not, it should be similar to Snark Busters. There was no interaction in the object-clicking and I thought it would be a long duration game since I saw the painting pieces spread into many canvases in the beginning. But there actually was six locations to visit. This game remains me of  Echoes of Sorrow so much -,-“

Now I know the patience to wait the crazy size of a game to be downloaded was worth my satisfaction for the game I will play. But not everything disappointed me. I love the map concept and I’m a kid in my heart, I smiled every time I moved into another location and saw beautiful sceneries with so cute creatures.

Hello.. Ahh.. Finally can make a new post. A new short post, actually. And this is the first trial of me using this android app for Blogger, BlogIt! I wonder why this app gets higher good reviews among the users than the official app gets.

And plese, I beg you. Never get sick of seing me for always change my blogskin. Haha. What do you think about my new skin, eh? Firstly I wanna make it simple. Without any widget and I'd tried as hard as I can to eliminate any cute stuff using on my blog. But, oh my! I can't stand when saw that Rilakkuma stamp on my header when searching on google.

And as can you see at my chatbox. I made the background, as usual like how I made for my tagboard's background, I use and always do, with Photoscape. I just imagine like getting short messages from you. Haha..

I like my previous skin. But I get bored easily. I'm not sure there will be a new skin in a close period because start on 12th next month, I'll start my study. I decide to continue my study. I take the major which is in linear with my major in my undergraduate..

Oh, I don't know why but this is the most messy skin I ever had. If you click the labels and monthly archives, the post will be doubled and hurt your eyes. Don'd do it. I warn you. I won't fix the mess because of these two reasons: 1. I don't know how and, 2. Fix in my mind has the meaning of changing to a new one.

No, thanks. Ahh.. It's enough I think. I'll see this app is good enough or what.

Bye, dears..

Yeayy.. I got this my 3rd Liebster Award from another sweet Malaysian girl Kinai. But I'm sorry, Kinai. I won't make my own set of questions neither tag anybody. Because I have a very few blogger friends and most of them had been tagged before by me. But please take a note I LOVE being tagged and answer your (whoever asking) questions. Here we go with Kinai's set of 11 questions:

What is your full name?
I think there won't be any harm doing this. I'll tell you my full name: Lia Agustina Damanik. If you are an English person, please don't spell my first name by saying it like 'liar' without 'r' in English. Imagine it's a Korean name (just to make it easier), read it: Lee Ya.

How old are you?
Oh my God. Don't you ever heard about never ask her age to a girl? Okay, no lah. Just kidding. It's not something humiliated got asked how young I am. Lol. I'm 23 years young. Next month on July 31st, I'll be 24. So don't hesitate to wish me a happy birthday and don't forget about the pressieee... Lol.

Where were you born, and where do you live?
I start to ask myself who this girl actually is. Are you doing an international census? Lol. I was born in a government-owned housing in a big cocoa plantation. It's far, far away from the suburbs. When I was five, we moved into our own home in the suburbs (where I live now). It only needs 1 hour to reach Medan, the capital of this province North Sumatra, Indonesia.

Why did you start this blog?
Honestly it's because I'm a follower. Lol. I read so many cool blogs and thought it would be as cool as them if I build my own one. Turned out it's not that easy to run a blog even though a personal one. If you don't have an attractive life to talk about on your blog, your brain has to be creative enough to make your plain life be much attractive. I have none -,-"

Do you find reading is lame?
Yes, if it's horoscope (sorry if it's rude for some of you).

Do you believe in best friend forever?
I don't think so. First, I don't know what the real meaning of 'forever' is. Lol. I mean, what term can be used to categorise something as 'forever'? But I hope having a chance to own that kind of some people call BFFs. Back when I was in primary school, I had 3 best friends till we entered the senior high school. We continuously be best friends for 6 years in primary school, 3 years in junior high and 3 years in senior high. So it's 12 years in total. But after graduating from senior high, slowly but surely we had been separated by each path of ours. And now, we talk if it's necessary :( like strangers.

The same happened with my good friends in college. I hope they won't read this. Lol. But if it's a friendship which can be counted as 'as long as possible', I have. These three girls of mine I acquainted with in my sophomore in high school ^,^

List 3 or more English novels that you like the most.
1. The White Masai by Corinne Hofmann
It's about a Germany woman who tried her best to struggle her love with a Masai tribesman, Lketinga. If you wanna read the spoiler, I have one. Lol. Click here to go.

2. Notes Left Behind by Brooke & Keith Desserich
This book is the true story of a six-year-old girl named Elena and her battle against paediatric brain cancer. Doctor had diagnosed Elena just had several weeks left in this world, that's the reason behind the decision of her parents to make a journal about their togetherness, the progress from Elena's medication and of course as a memory.

3. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
This is the most favourite series of Harry Potter book of mine. The presence of Sirius Black gave more human-being feel from Harry. How he actually was not alone in family case. He had a father. A godfather.

If you were accepted to Hogwarts, which house would you be in? Why?
Of course Gryffindor. If only the three main characters were in Slytherin, I'll follow them into that dorm, too. Lol. Because what? The camera follow the main characters the most. Hahahaha.

List 5 movies that everyone should at least, watch once in their lifetime.
1. Django Unchained.
click here if you wanna read the spoiler.
2. A Little Thing Call Love
click here if you wanna read the spoiler.
3. Captain Philips
click here if you wanna read the spoiler.
4. Les Misérables
click here if you wanna read the spoiler.
5. Laskar Pelangi
click here if you wanna find what it is about (not spoiler).

List 5 songs that you like.
Sempurna by Andra & The Backbone
Laskar Pelangi by Nidji
Let It Go by Demi Lovato
Time Machine by SNSD
Love Story by Taylor Swift

What do you think of my blog? 
Dear, Kinai. You ask me an honest answer, right. Honestly, just like other new blogs I found accidentally, I didn't really give any attention to your blog. But, by reading your Liebster post, I read it completely, I found that your English is very good. You talk naturally without any force with your arranging words, to look like a pro. I love the way you write, seriously.I think there is one similarity between us, we are bad in blogging in our own language (but seriously I say the truth: your English is way better than me). haha. Tell me if I'm not mistaken, okay.

And another honest expression from deep of my heart is I dislike your blog skin. So dark :( As you have to know that I'm a kid in my heart. I love pastel colors, pink and any cute stuffs adorn my blog skin. But there won't be any hard feeling, please :D It's not something big, okay. No matter what, your blog posts are mostly cool. And then, I love your photos. I force you to tell me what camera you use and what app which helps you to edit them Lol. Once again, thankies sweetheart.
Suddenly I remember about Meteor Garden (2001). A big questions for teenagers nowadays, do you know this drama? Maybe ever heard about it? Or at least your parents ever told you about its existence. I mean, the drama ever been so booming. You HAVE to know that  There's this one weird Chinese movie which had reminded me to my first Taiwanese drama ever in where my imaginative first love had a role in it lol In case you ask what that Chinese movie is, it entitles Million Dollar Crocodile. It's about a big crocodile, a 8 metres sized crocodile, which had swallowed a million yuan from a girl's handbag. And the girl is Barbie Hsu. My expression when saw the movie was "Ehh.. She's San Chai, right? Yes, that she is!!" And then the flashback came.

The flashback how young I was as that time to watch a drama in which MANY kiss scenes were a MUST. How old our TV at that time; a kind of television which we could move to everywhere we wanted to watch it in our house. Like a pushing cart. My sister pushed it to the kitchen when she did clothes washing and we pushed it into our shared bedroom when there was a midnight movie. Our dad would not allow us watching TV at midnight. He and our mom entered their bedroom, 5 minutes later we would push it silently haha A midnight movie here is not something which showed some sexual contents or something like that. It's only western movies were aired at 10 PM above. Home Alone was one of them.

Our TV at that time was a television with a manual antenna, like insects' antenna if it's hard enough to imagine how it was like. Antenna which we had to drag it to the right or to the left, or made it stand or if not the screen would be filled with gray ants covered the whole of it. Don't touch the body or you would be electrified hahaIt's a TV without remote control, too. Talk about this remote control, ever you watched Sadako The Ring? It's about the typical girl so many guys adore nowadays: long straight hair, white skin with skinny body.

Because we didn't have a remote control to turn the TV off from the certain distance we thought was 'safe enough', I and my sister argued who should press the red button on the TV's body to turn it off. Because what?? We were too worried this would happen in our living room and there was no time to escape:

If you let me recall the older story of mine years back before the Sadako incident, back when I was a kindergarten kid. We lived in a government-owned housing in a big cocoa plantation. It's far away from the suburbs, the current place we live in. TV was a luxury at that time. We had one, but it had a bad signal catcher. That's why the state-owned TV channel which had no any cartoon programme was the best option, other than playing a wooden doll with hair made of banana leaf haha So, I and my two siblings: my older brother and sister, would join other kids in our neighbourhood migrate into one of our neighbours who had a TV with a very good signal catcher to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lol

What a random post, I know. The main point I create this entry is to remind myself what a colourful childhood I have.
Ahhh.. Just flashback when I was a senior high school girl, this movie was so booming. Every teenagers felt so proud when they could tell their friends that the movie had been listed into their 'movie lists'. I never watch it in the movie, though. It's far in Medan. But it's okay.. One year later it was aired on TV . And it's aired many times. Over and over again. Till I've finished watching it 1 hour ago on one of our private TV channels.

It's about a love triangle story among three teens Rachel, Farrel and Luna. Rachel was a boyish girl. She always put casual look on; T-shirt or sweater and army style long pants as its match. She had been best friend with Farrel, a handsome charming boy. Farrel had a good sense of humour though kinda childish; seemed from his hobby of reading comics. Since kids, they had played together even they two had their private basketball court with a tree house nearby. One day, Rachel carve something secretly on the tree where their tree house attached on which she wouldn't ever allow Farrel to see it. Just wait till everything could be revealed thoroughly.

One day, when Farrell was about to buy his favorite comic books, Shinchan, the bookstore owner offered him a book that he said it was funny, entitled Heart. Farrell initially refused, but when he saw a glimpse of the author of the comic was a beautiful girl, he immediately bought the comic book and then pursuit the author and became acquainted with her. The author named Luna. Luna was a very beautiful and feminine girl. With a black long hair and a pair of beautiful earrings adorned her face. Farrell did not forget to ask for an autograph, phone number and home address.

At that moment, Farrell realized that he had fallen in love at first sight with Luna and then told his best best friend, Rachel. Farrell asked Rachel to help him to make Luna to be his girlfriend. Initially it was fine for Rachel , but Rachel began to feel a feeling she had never feel before. Jealousy. Rachel was jealous of the closeness between Farrel and Luna, then began to change her appearance little by little, As a starter, she started wearing earrings. It was not only that, she also lied to Farrell by saying that she already had a boyfriend, the type of her dream.

Soon, Farrell expressed his love for Luna by bringing something in a big heart shaped to confess his feeling to her. But it had been a deal between him and Rachel. If Luna kept the heart, then that means Luna received his love, but if Luna broke it, it meant she refused Farrel. And if Farrell was rejected by Luna, Rachel was allowed to hit Farrel to death with her car. There was something made Luna hesitated to accept Farrel's confession. Luna then gave a heartbreaking to Farrel. In a flash Rachel chased Farrell , trying to hit him, but Farrell had escaped .

Farrell came out on the lake with Luna. Luna began to tell him the reason why she refused Farrel. Luna was fighting with Cirrhosis,a disease hardening of the liver. For Luna, she realized that her life would not be much longer, that's what made ​​her hesitate to accept Farrel's love, when in fact Luna also loved him. Farrell then entertained her, trying to convince Luna that his love for her was sincere, till forever. Farrell instead of giving up but even more motivated to get love of Luna.

Rachel began to notice her difference with Luna, Luna was feminine and love wearing skirts and dresses , while she was always wearing casual clothes. She thought that the differences which make Farrel interested in Luna. Farrell then began to realize and see the changes when Rachel wore a dress that should be given to Luna and dressed up like a woman should be, Farrel just laugh at her. Rachel then leave him raced toward their tree house, where they usually playing basketball together. Rachel got greater jealousy when she learnt that Farrel had prepared a ring for Luna . That's when Rachel began to show his tears to Farrel. Adding to the story that she had just lost the person she loved because he went away with another girl . Farrel calmed her down telling that they would still be best friends forever .

On another day, Farrell was with Luna in a park. Rachel saw them from a far and found Farrel kissing Luna, destroying her heart completely and make her run aimlessly. Which Rachel did not know was, that when kissing, Luna spewed blood from her mouth, and had to be hospitalized immediately. Rachel ran aimlessly around the mountain slopes and falling towards the ravine. She also sent to the same hospital as Luna. Rachel had to find the bitter truth that her legs had to be amputated because it could endanger her life.

Everyday Farrel came to see Luna and Rachel at hospital, but Rachel realized that he only gave her some visit occasionally and more often visited Luna. Rachel became increasingly angry at Farrell, but Farrell and Rachel realized that Luna was seriously ill and really need a heart donor in order to survive. Luna's father, Adam and Farrel were trying to find a donor but not manage to get it. While Luna's time was getting thinner and Luna was approaching death.

Turned out Rachel donated her heart to Luna, not to save her live whom she hated for stealing her Farrell, but she hoped she could continue to live in Luna's body to keep be able to think about and love Farrell to death. Rachel also left a message for Farrell to see their tree house, the place where young Rachel ever carved something in the beginning of the film.

Farrell, who had been married to Luna and has a son, go to where they used to play basketball and climb up the tree. Therein Farrell realized that Rachel ever carved "Rachel and Farrel" in a heart shaped frame, and he also realized how Rachel loved him since they were kids.

Yeayyy.. Another pretty hidden object game. Everything in this game is attractive. The characters are beautiful, handsome and cool. The sceneries presented are served with perfectly hand-drawn graphic and the lovely musics as the background. The characters are really act. They show real gestures, movements and conversations. It's like a movie. I Love it ~ ~!!


We'll play as a detective who had been called to Paris by a bride-to-be names Veronica. Just days before their wedding, the ancient werewolf Mephistus has appeared in town seeking revenge on Veronica and her fiancé. You are asked to help the couple as Mephistus bites Veronica's fiancé and it has changed him to be a werewolf attacking his own darling.

Explore Paris to find man who knows what gun can be used to kill Mephistus and secret ingredients to create concoctions which will help Veronica's fiancé back to his true nature.
