Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

Regret not to Blog

The last day of 2014, eh? (I hope so. Since I usually just draft my blogpost then publish it another days, or weeks. Ever months 👎)

I regret myself no be able to manage time to blog like I used to. I realised I've lost so many important memories which should be kept in this blog. Everything 'first time'.

So many 'first time' memories which actually can be written if only I'm not that lazy, or if I'm a little bit diligent, my body was tired so badly.

My first time face the students in a class, how to get their attention. Like, "hey, there is someone standing in front of your class. It's me, your NEW teacher".

My first time in Independence Day ceremony, joining other teachers standing in teachers' standing spot, in KORPRI batik shirt.

My first salary!! How I was proud giving my first salary to my parents. It's a small amount of money, though.
My first Teacher's Day as a teacher not a student. I used to greet my teacher with Happy Teacher's Day but now I got it from my students. Even they were jokingly ask what present I want on that day 💑

I got a cute present! A purple food carrier from my student, a boy. I'm teaching in a vocational school. Most of the students are boys which I and You have known the students are so much "different" from common senior high school 🐰

But I really feel blessed for the chance to know my students. I am their teacher but slowly but sure I did learnt so many things from them. From the simplest thing, learn not to be an ego-centric teacher. I have to understand them that they do not study on my subject only. I learn how to control my emotion and try my best to motivate them. I even had learnt that I have to imitate how to talk with a toddler when I was with my girl students ⛄they are so sensitive. I am young. I don't want to be considered as their rival.

 Next week is the new semester. I promise myself I will force my soul to blog regularly. Even it was only 5 months more or less but I can not recall the whole things had happened 🐷 it's truly a sin!

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