Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

My First Teacher's Day

Ahh.. First day of 365 days in one year ahead. I think it is a must for me to force my self to be more 'discipline' in blogging. Like what I will tell in this post. It's one of the most important events in my life throughout last year, 2014. Or, uhmm.. yesterday. It was my first Teacher's Day celebration as a teacher. When I was a school student, I used to celebrate it. It's a must. But I did it as a student. It means I greeted my teacher and this time, I got it from my students.

Sadly I had a class in Medistra on that day. I can't follow the ceremony. After my class in Medistra, I was in rush to SMK and the ceremony was over. The teachers and students were shaking hand alternately when I reached there. I was the only one who wore the different uniform so I was kinda shy to join them. Then one of my students approached me. A boy in sophomore. He gave me something wrapped in pink or purple paper. I was surprised and almost feeling shy because I'm not a homeroom. Fortunately I still remembered to thank him for the gift. It's a blue food carrier inside. My friends nagged me since they got nothing. Lol.

Every teachers and staffs; include the cleaning services got a jersey-like T-shirt on that Teacher's day. After the ceremony, we had breakfast in the School Hall and the Headmaster greeted the whole teachers Happy Teacher's Day. Because it was the birthday for the whole teachers in Indonesia, our headmaster gave gifts for the teachers who were born on that date. We had Nasi Urap and Nasi Tumpeng. For the Nasi Tumpeng, our headmaster advised the single teachers to eat. Who know we will meet out mate soon. I was one of the teachers who follow his advise. Lol.

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