Kamis, 01 Januari 2015


Having lunch with Auliya in newly opened Pikadeli last Sunday. It is the most appealing cafe in Delimas. You should thank me for not calling you a foodcourt. haha.. It was not our main purpose to ride our motorbike under the very hot sun. Au needed something important to buy and the lunch out was a complement. It ended with full tummy without satisfied feeling. I ordered Ice Corn with Longan and Au ordered Hot Lemon Tea for our beverages. Everything is from the canned ingredients!! The corns, longans and lemon. It was obviously a lemon syrup they pour with tea not the real lemon juice. And for the foods, my fried seafood kwe tiau was not that bad. At least it had the spicy taste in it. And Au ordered the same seafood kwe tiau but served with sauced. The kwe tiau was dried fried then poured with thick sauce.

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