Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014


Hello, bloggy..
Miss me? I miss you so much, lho.

Just a short reminder for you all of my friends, I'm still exist on this lovely place; the best planet from the universe calls Earth. Actually I wanna make this blog under hiatus status and create a new one by using Bahasa Indonesia, but I changed my mind then. I recalled all these posts I'd made since the end of November 2012, the friends I'd acquainted with virtually, more than enough friends to be 'showed off' im my affiliates sidebar (most of them whom I was the first one who asked to exchange link, Lol), all of them are too worth to throw.

Everything has changed.
  • I'm not 23 anymore.
  • I have been a teacher.
  • And now, I'm a postgraduate student.
The first one is just to remind you why none of you wish me a happy birthday on last 31 of July, huh?! Lol, kidding. The second and the last are the reasons why I stopped blogging for more than 2 months.

I'll tell you in the next post, okay.
Now I have to continue finishing my assignments.
Assignments every week.
College schedule is Monday to Wednesday, but the assignments are from Monday to Sunday -,-"
Bye, dears..

2 komentar

  1. hepi belated birthday akak. Sangat ~

    Anyway, MABU ~

  2. ehhh... really?? Happy Belated Birthday :D

    May Allah always bless you dear~
    and hope you always happy dunia akhirat dan sentiasa sihat.. aamiin..

    I miss college TT^TT

