Let’s get close to know more about Tokyo, Japan, from this hidden object game Big City Adventure: Tokyo. With cute hand-drawn Japan map, visit the well-known cities across Japan and get new knowledge while enjoying searching the hidden objects.

Some of them:
note: picture may not relate to the description

Meiji Shrine

A quick visit to the Kiyomasa Well located here is sure to bring us luck. Rumored to have magical powers, thousands of visitors now travel here each year. It’s become popular to set your cell phone background to a photo of the well to promote good fortune, and perhaps better reception, too.

Japanese Sword Store

Perhaps the most famous swords in the world, are those of the samurai. The word “samurai”has its roots in another Japanese word meaning “to serve”. If you were a lord in old Japan, you could rely on your samurai warrior to be loyal, truthful, and altogether emotionless. A disgraced samurai was even expected to end their own life, as a matter of honor.

Akihabara Electric Town

Akihabara Electric Town is the place to go for all the best electronics that Japan has to offer. Everything from music players, to toys, to robots can be purchased here. Many of the popular gadgets of the future start life here. Akihabara also has become something of a hotspot for manga cartoons, although not all of them are kid-safe.


Many Tokto teenagers dress to be different and Harajuku is the location for finding that unique item of clothing, Takeshita Street in particular. This alley of shops hawking trendy and outlandish gear is perennially swarming with teens trying to find their look. You’ll often find prototype items that are being tested before they enter the wider fashion market.

I'd spent my modem quota to download games in order to be my entertainment if I will stay in Balam. Human have plans but God is the determinant. I'd had the games but I still stay in this house (thank God) due to the postponement of my duty date from the head office. (I love the fact that finally I will have a proper job, but this postponement is like a chance to be close to my lovely parents 2 months longer). I had wanted to play this games long ago and ever bought the DVD to be installed but, hey! That was actually a so frustrating one hour trial game. The whole games in the DVD were trials! Pfftttt.

They are the happy couple Danielle Hunt with her ​​husband Samuel Hunt. In the middle of a joyful night, came a box sent out of nowhere in front of their door. Sam came out to see it and instantly he disappeared. Danielle panicked and checked what the actual contents of the box was. There was a doll in it and it's hard to believe, the doll was alive and able to speak. The doll said that he would help Danielle to find her husband. The Doll also suggested Danielle to visit the house where Sam ever lived in his childhood, but before leaving, Danielle found files describing Sam ever had experienced strange experiments in time he was a boy.

Small accidents that happened during her drive finally took Danielle to a place where little Sam ever lived. There he met a little boy who looked like Sam. His name was Jimmy. Jimmy gave her a dollhouse that would explain to Danielle what actually ever and will happen. In the dollhouse, Little Sam seemed to have a paranormal ability and his parents who were both witches couple who died from a stranger when Sam was 8 years old. Seen also a little girl and a clown.

Danielle began her search. Starting from Sam's childhood home, followed to the police station who had handled Sam's family murder case. There she found the body of a policeman who tied by chain until he died. The police soul said the killer was Samuel Hunt, her husband.

Then she returned to Sam's childhood home, a phone rang and there was a voice of women who told Sam was in danger. The lady on the phone said Danielle had to go to the toy shop that was near the orphanage where Sam had been treated after his parents died. There was also a strange record that described something scary ever happened there that made the children at the orphanage tried to escape through the tunnel that connected the home with the toy shop. At the toy shop, Danielle met a clown soothing her by saying Sam was a good boy. So it was highly unlikely if he's a killer.

Danielle found a hole that led to a bigger room. There was the one she found her husband. Sam looked being hanged with chain in a huge cage. Danielle re-encountered the clown who promised to help her to put out Sam. But instead of helping, the clown was someone evil. He actually pushed her into the cage and Danielle knew the one that hung on was not Sam but a mannequin.

Danielle managed to free herself and came back to see Jimmy. Jimmy said he had locked the door of the orphanage so that the clown could not master it. Danielle had to find the key that was buried in an amusement park. There he found a newspaper article about the arrest of the orphanage director on charges of conducting weird experiments on children. He was the man who killed Sam's parents and took him to the orphanage. Danielle also met a girl named Kim. Kim turned out to be Sam's sister but she forgot about everything, including about herself.

Danielle finally found her husband. Something strange looked in front of her eyes. Sam was seen sitting next to the clown on a chair that looked like an experimental tool. The clown would kill Sam. Danielle had to do something immediately. He found that strange graveyard using scrap tires as a headstone and it turned out that something buried in it was the clown body which should be immediately burned or if not, he will lose Sam forever.

Before they left the city, the dollhouse explained the whole story which was stored in it. Sam's parents were good witch couple who fight evil spirits and locked them in a chest. However, the orphanage director who knew Sam's paranormal abilities, sent a box containing a toy clown who then killed his parents and released the evil spirits of the chest. There was the one took Sam with the aim of making him as an experimental objects. But something went wrong and Sam was divided into two parts: the good Jimmy and the evil clown. Kim managed to hide, gathered all the forces of good which were still left in the house and made it into the shape of a doll that had helped Danielle. And it turned out, before he destroyed the clown to stop the evil demon attack, the police already capturing the director and he himself died in a prison cell by his own creation.

 Went to Siboras last Sunday to attend the invitation from family living in Siboras. That's a palm oil plantation which had the type of soil that will be very sticky when wet season comes. The soil is like clay. The climbing and descending road contour made everything worst. It should be an enjoyable trip to a relatives house. We saw greenish landscape in both right and left side.

 Putri the nagging queen was frightened. We decided to walk waiting to be picked up.

On our walk, found this which I think was fish's egg. It turned out it was weasel's dung. Black seeds attached to it were papaya seeds. My aunt explained, that's why sometimes we found papaya trees in the forest. So I concluded, weasels have contributed to the reforestation.

She is my favorite cousin after Noni. She is so coquettish. Always nags. She is so confident, always says what a beautiful girl she is. She can't stop talking. No matter how we tell her to stop talking, it will not work. She loves singing and praising herself what a fluty voice she has. She is the most noisy kid I ever met. Besides, she loves eating so much!!

“The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don't. But, in the end, they're the people you always come home to. Sometimes it's the family you're born into and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself.” -- Cariie Bergen
Think about Balam have realized me about what a perfect place I've been living in. Our current home is situated in a really quiet neighborhood. It's away from the highway so we never be bothered by the noises from the passing vehicles. There are also very nice mutual respect neighbors. We get the traditional market just on foot.

It only takes 15 minutes to the beach (Pantai Cermin) and more or less 4 hours to the mountain (Mt. Sinabung). That means we do not need to worry about the fulfillment of seafoods,  fruits and veggies needs. Now, it only takes 30 minutes to the airport (Kuala Namu International Airport). And only needs no later than 1,5 hours to Medan (to college, malls or shopping center).
Actually 'far' in Balam is just a distance matter. The company provides good facilities, though. About the electricity, it's not something which will happen permanently. Like people say, everything needs process and the powerhouse construction includes that story. I hear the children of labors and employees there are exempted from school fees but the schools are still under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, so do not have to worry about the certificate status. There are also shuttle buses which fulfill the transportation needs for everyone, related to school or work.

Being a teacher, regardless of its responsibility to educate, is the happiest profession among others. Good paying (please don't compare with the crazy amount of money a director makes!), long holidays as the students get, no under pressure work and with very short working hours. Moreover, I hear an issue that company held annual company trip to some places which if I have to use my own money to go to, I will not think anything and decide to just stay at home. haha.


I've downloaded some hidden object games like Cruel Games - Red Riding Hood, Les Miserables - Cosette's Fate, Otherworld: Spring of Shadows, Chronicles of Albian 2: The Wizbury School of Magic, Campfire Legends - The Last Act, Phantasmat, Shadow Wolf Mysteries 3- Cursed Wedding, The Fog, The Tiny Bang Story, Stray Souls - Dollhouse Story, Snark Busters 2 - All Revved Up. I save them savely in my Games folder happily to bring to accompany me in Balam. I smiled every each of the beautiful yet creepy games' installment was success. I will also bring so many DVDs to play in my laptop.

I'm so ready!!

I told my parents I will try to begin a brand new life in Balam. They told me not to worry about the water and food-needs problems. There must be some people whom can be paid to bring us that water. About the food-needs, it's impossible if there is no veggies seller selling around the housing. So I don't need to go to the market which opens only several days a week. The family there looked like buying their food-needs for a week suplies since the market is.. so far. Ugh! 

Moreover my parents added they will give me a visit regularly for sure.To give me more spirits, daddy came to his office where he used to work (he is a pensioner of one of a state-owned enterprises which run the cacao plantation) to get his monthly salary slip, in order to give me an explanation how lucky I am, do not need to start from the lowest level like most people did.

There, I don't need to rent a house since it is provided by the company. Electricity is a luxury but it's free. There's no cost for public transportation because the school where I will teach is near my designate house. It means I can save more money. 


My mother has prepared everything she knows I will need. Kitchen equipments, eating utensils, bathroom fixtures to my clothing needs; for washing and ironing. Everything! Even she has prepared the cleaning tools for the house, inside and yard.
It has been more than one year I bear this jobless status. I took the test to be a civil servant in three ministries this year, but none I could pass. Classic reason: too many participants, too few formations, too high passing grade. Duh! But it's like I triplicated three years exams within one year. I mean, so many people could only participate into one exam in one year. And I think this first entrance exam to be PNS of mine is the best compared to the ones of previous several years. I can check the people's scores who passed the test via online, so although there is still any possibility of bribery activity, at least I could see with my own eyes that those peoples' scores could prove me they deserved the passing.

Just flashback to the first exam I took in Foreign Ministry which took place in Jakarta. That's the first time for me to go there. As a suburban girl, I was amazed how that city surrounded by so many very tall buildings beautifully, the malls which I never see before, Jakarta's well known traffic jam, and of course the socialites' life style which kinda lowered my self-esteem. hee. I imagined how if I passed the test and moved to stay there. Undergoing the 7 months training at the education center of Foreign Ministry, before being inducted into legitimate civil servant. But maybe I have no any destiny to work in there. hahhh.

Continued to the second and the last exam which I took in The Ministry of Fishery and Marine and The Transportation Ministry. I changed my imagination from working in Jakarta to working in Belawan, in a port area where I will see the activities of the massive good transporting ships from domestic and foreign. Will play in the beach in the afternoon and it means no worry about crabs and prawns starving. And watching the fishermen go to and return from the sea, separating the fish from the net, are something I always experience happily.

But one week before the official announcement of the exam result, Noni texted me that there was an offer to work as a teacher in a school which is under the auspices of the biggest company of food products producer in this country, which has its branch in Balam, a sub-district (maybe) in Riau. (I don't know if there is other food products producer which is bigger than that one). Very seductive! The salary is higher than being civil servant in basic level for a strata one. 

So Noni asked me to go to Balam to give a visit back to her friend who ever visited her with his family, and ushered my files at once. We took the night bus, left at 10 pm and arrived there at 6 in the morning. Got off the bus, I still felt 'normal'. But when Noni's friend and his brother came to picked us up, I started to know what a place I would stay in. 

It's an oil palm plantation, a huge one I mean, where it took 20 minutes to reach their home. (And if it has been fixed, I will live in there too). 20 minutes from the highway by riding a motorbike with high speed, according to me is far! And when I saw the environment, a place where it looked like there's no life! Too quiet! I'm shocked. Immediately I thought, for what sake I earn much money if I had to live in this place? But I tried my best to control my feeling because we were being guest in a house where there are 9 family members, so I had to give my best smile. 

In the first night, I felt worry about the possibility I will move into there. But in the second night, when I watched a movie which some of its conversations told: we will not know if something is good for us or not, before we go through it. I start to think do not be only because of the momentary feeling, I lost a big chance which so many people do not need to think even once to grab.

We stayed there for 2 nights and when went home, I told my parents that there was a big possibility I would be accepted. But I cried and explained how the place was. No network coverage for hi-tech cell phones. Water came once in 2 days and the electricity was only active between 6 am to 11 pm. I also said that I saw people brought big jerrycan contained water with their motorbikes which I was sure for drink. I nagged how can I do that? I also did not see any market so how will I buy my food needs?

My father calmed me down and told me to make a decision which I myself was being the main reason; it's not a decision which I took parents as the reason. Then I said that I will try first before shouting I give up. But you need to know what I feel, I said. My mother started to cry and told me that before I expressed my feeling, as a couple with my father who started their life from zero in a plantation too, she had known how the place I will live in was like, and was worry whether I could live in a place like that. 

So I ensured my parents, I will try!!

There are 5 simple ways to catch my attention:

Sincere Smile
I will guess people are giving me a sincere smile or just-only one. For me, a sincere smile is smiling with your eyes. Not something that you do with just lift one of your lip corners and left the other still in its place. Keep it for several seconds and face-to-my face till you end your smile. 

Good Speaker
I am kinda shy when meet new people. That's why I will really thank if those new people are good speakers, so they will be the ones that start the conversation. I am a good listener but hating to be asked so many questions in adjacent time. I also really get pissed off by the same questions been asked more than twice. But, ask me to listen to the your whole story only without asking if I have any opinion is more annoying.

Keep Your Promises
To be honest, I'm a forever-kid. Don't you ever try to say any promise to me. I can't hear a promise. I will take it seriously and never forget to request you to make your promise to be a realization. Lol.

Good Foods
Haiya. I love to eat so much. I had said this several times, I can enjoy foods though they are not tasty at all. How can I resist if you give me so yummy foods?

Cute Stuffs
I smile every time I see cute stuffs. Feel the happiness when touch them. I can't bear to ignore them. I'll fly if you give them to me. You are a pro if you give them to me in pink.
I think I will stop this 30 days blogging challenge but I'm sure I still have the chance to finish it. hehe. The topic for today is with whom we want to have some dinners includes the menus. I'll also choose the people (randomly) from other countries (some of whom are popular people) with the menus which instead of being favorite meals, they are something I can only see the pictures from Google. But at least I ever heard about the foods from some dramas. hehe.

Bondan Winarno
He is the one who pioneered a very well known culinary tour community in Indonesia. Every food no matter how we imagine it will taste, will look so delicious if it is eaten by him. Moreover if he uttered his characteristically expression "Pokoke maknyus!". Hmm.. He can influence people to think they should open their door and go anywhere to find those foods. Lol. I want to ask him to have this as our dinner:


Mie Rebus Medan and orange juice. Yes, I'm a roadside food lover. About this one, I can explain the food in detail. It's one of my forever-favorite cuisine. Mie Rebus Medan is a stick noodles (the white one) served with the thick sauce made of shrimps, palm sugar, galangal, lemongrass, onions and garlics, bay leaves, and other unsayable seasonings. With boiled potatoes and egg, fried tofu and traditional red-and-white crackers and hot water-dipped bean sprouts as the complement. Add cayenne paste to balance the sauce sweetness and sprinkle with fried onions and celery. Orange juice is just the best partner to me.

Mario Maurer
Thailand's signature cuisine Tom Yum and iced watermelon drink (Nam Dang-Mu Pan) as the drink. I prefer the Tom Yum with rice of course. 


Lee Min Ho
Bulgogi with rice and mineral water is enough I think. As South Korea is very well known for its Soju.


My friend, Fani
Fani is so into Italian foods. And the easiest way to find the Halal one in Medan is Pizza Hut for sure. I'll choose black pepper fettuccine for me and lasagna for her. For the drink, she rarely sees the drinks on the list. She will ask if there is any avocado drink or not and she will order it. And I will order Blue Ocean.


My Cousin, Noni
She my best cousin and best partner in enjoying foods in Es Teler 77. Baso super spesial jumbo (special super jumbo meatballs) for me and Mie ayam bakso (meatballs chicken noodles) for her. For the drink, we never turn from the Es Teler.

