Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

New Habits

Blog designing
Blog layout is one of the most important elements in this virtual journal. People said that blogger must comfort her blog readers by arranging her blog elements. Customize the font, its color and the widget position so they will fell ease reading the posts.  

I am not an expert in this HTML code but at least I could move the first widget to the last and the last one to be the second in the list. Lol. But for me, I love to design my blog to please myself, not the readers. I like to visit Blogskin to see so many cute templates for blogger. 

But the templates there are too cute for me. The skin contributors often put too many icons or images and sometimes there are too many navigations. So I just download a skin I like and use it as a base code. I'm sorry for the credit removal but I had combined this skin with so many skin tutorials. So, it's not still 'yours'. 

You need to revert your blog from the template designer to the classic one. I love the classic template as there are only several features which are actually not really important for me to be added like in the template designer. In classic template, you just need once loading page to all clicks. I mean, if in template designer you need to load once a page (widget under your header like about, affiliates and awards, or something like that), in classic template you just need load the page once and everything is ready to click without needing new loading. It means more save for the modem prepaid card. Lol.

Short Exercises
I'm not a sport person. I never do any regular basic exercise though I know it's really important for my body. As I start knowing its good advantage I will achieve by doing the regular exercise, every morning after the dawn prayer, I move my body randomly as long as I felt my muscles worked and slightly sweaty. Lol.

I started by moving my hands, feet and head like heating we usually did before the physical education class. Then I made some stronger movements. randomly. I moved my hands like a swimming position. Lol. I used a small cloth and hold it with my two hands by raising them for several minutes. I watched Eun Jung in Dream High session 1 did that and I followed what she did. Curious what I would feel. Haha. Surprisingly I felt my arms so weary.

I was guessing how long (in minutes, I mean. Lol) I had went through that position, so I played a song to make it easier. When the song was almost close to its ending, I'll talk to myself 'soon! soon! soon!' Lol. Then I lied to sit up and moved my feet like riding a bicycle, still lying. To distract my mind not to focus on the pain, I helped myself by playing a video clip from my favorite singers. And when my mommy called me to help her, I stopped that activity without cooling. Lol.

Morning Sunbathing
There are so many advantages we can pick from morning sunbathing and the best one is it will not cause our skin darker. 7 to 9 a.m in the morning is the best period to sunbathe. I'll sit in my side yard, the place in my house area which gets the best morning sunshine and play some java games to wait the 30 minutes sunbathing done. It's a really easy healthy routine. But I must stop it for awhile since it's December! Rain, rain and rain.

Some benefits we can get from sunbathing:
  • Vitamin D works to increase calcium absorption in the gut and calcium transfer across the cell membrane, so that it can strengthen our bones.
  • High enough serotonin level results a more positive mood and calm the way of thinking with focus mental.
  • Sunlight can reduce symptoms of depression by releasing endorphins.
  • Sunlight can improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels under the skin.
  • Sunbathing safely had been shown to improve chronic skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Exposure to sunlight can also decrease the manifestation of stretch marks, scars, and other skin imperfections.
  • Synthesis of vitamin D, which is caused by sunlight, can reduce the risk of various forms of cancer such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and ovarian cancer.
  • The sunlight can strengthen the immune system, because when exposed to sunlight, the body produces more white blood cells that help ward off infection and diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. -- Kompas Health

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