Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Days 16: The Favorite Blogs

Everyday I always have some blogs to be my reading. I read some of them because I need the informations they serve, I read some because they are my friends in real life; they are my college friends, I also read some because I love to do so. It can be their writing style which interests me to bookmark their blogs or their stories are indeed lovable to read. Sometimes I learn a lot by reading their blogs. Some of them are successfully amazed me and make me desire to build my own blog.

Here my five favorite blogs in sequence alphabetically:

I super love Ce Vania's blog. It suits her blog title, her blog is about the delicious foods and their recipes and her cute family's adventure to visit various places in this country. She writes in English so well, like a native. She is so smart in arranging the words and make the sentences building a full blogpost chronologically. Her photography skill is like a pro. Every places can be an adventure for their family. Even they can snatch memorable moments from a traditional market, museums, any festivals and train station. She can make no matter what food it is, looks so yummy. A muddy traditional market can be looked an artsy photo by her hand. I follow her blog and enjoy her family's story. Since they got their first daughter, the second son, and now the children are in their pre-teens age. I follow their stories when they moved to stay in India, Malaysia and now they are in Indonesia. I am a fan!

Thirdweek IMG_2834ingredients

pictures are credited to her blog.

Emotional Flutter
Hey. He is the organizer of the 30 days blogging challenge. He's a Tiong Hoa blogger but so nationalist in my sight. I mean, the race issue is very sensitive case in this country. He is not too biased to any ethnicity. His writing can make me like looking directly what happen in his writing. He makes them in a very detailed way. He is so friendly to reply any comment in his posts and answer the questions not in a to-taste way. He even gave a patient answer when someone left, according to me, something inappropriate questionable. And now I like to follow his journey of studying in China.

Joyce The Fairy
She is a Malaysian blogger. I love to read her adventures of visiting various countries around the world and her writing skill to retail what had happened within her travels are very interesting. She is fashion blogger, too, I think. She has a unique taste in fashion, like her hair.

Kutudrama and Kdramatized
They are two blogs actually. Written by Dee for Kutudrama and Fanny for Kdramatized. They are partner in crime to write the full synopsis of Korean dramas. I am sure they are good at English, that's why their writings are very comfortable readable since the online-watching K-dramas give English subtitle.

Vigilant Citizen
I know it is a site but please let me put it in my list. This site will serve you everything you need to know about Illuminati, in deep analysis and include supporting theories. No one is missed from VC's observations: movies, ads, musics and their clips, fashions, social phenomenon, and even any policy by the government of a particular country. My favorite segment is the Symbolic Pic of The Month, where the author (s) collect pictures from any publication papers like magazines or something like that, and give the analysis about those photos.

I still have another good blogs to read but they are my top five. Do enjoy those links I've attached. 

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