Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

Day 15: Mind Reader

Finally I can continue the 30 days blogging challenge by Emotional Flutter. One week stayed in my granny's home, I had completely lost contact with my blog. I brought my modem so I could make some posts with Noni's notebook but I didn't know how to do the setting as the signal was found but the operator was not. 

The topic for this day-15 is what super power I wish to have and how I will use it. Ouch, what an imaginative person Ko Keven is. Lol. I love being a 'normal' human being like bleeding when got cut with knife and wait several days to heal and need some transportations to reach some places. Lol.

But to be honest back when I was a kid, I ever dreamt to have a magic pencil like what Sanju owned in Shaka Laka Boom Boom. I wished I could make the delicious beef balls and noodle soup just by drawing them on a piece of paper and taa-daa they would be real.

And now, if only I could ask to have some super powers, I will not ask to be given flying ability since there are already too many cameras nowadays. People can snap me flying at any time and I don't want to be the center of attention and make people assume I was one of those extraterrestrials what people called alien. I am also not very interested in the ability of disappear in one wink. That's too implausible and really not human being. Lol. 

Sometimes I felt someone acted too polite or told too sweet words to me. Those exaggerated actions kinda made me gave them negative thinking. Was I that good? What they really wanted to convey? What they want to get from me? Was that because their relationship with my parents? and something like that. And it's also not rare I found people with sharp as knife tongue who actually had so sweet hearts. That's why I think it will be a wonderful gift if I could be a mind reader. haha. You can't lie to me! I can read your mind. 

That will be really great, right? I can know what the backstabbers want to do to me so I will be able to reverse the situation. Those too sweet words, I can find what the true purpose is the speaker utter them. Besides that, there is no special sign which will make people know I have a super power as long as I don't make it as a gossip subject. Lol. But living this life just the way it is, without adding some forced things, is the best way a human can do. According to me...

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