Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Upside Down -- (2012)

Finished to watch this movie last night with my sister and I satisfied with the plot idea and special effects, but got big disappointed by the end. They should prolong the duration to complete the story. Less than 2 hours? Django just took less than 15 minutes to fill 3 hours duration!

It's about two different planets Up the rich and Down the poor. The planets existed next to another with 3 gravity rules:
  1. All matter is pulled by the gravity of the world that it comes from, and not the other.
  2. An object's weight can be offset by matter from the opposite world (inverse matter).
  3. After some time in contact, matter in contact with inverse matter burns.
That means if someone from Up went to Down, she wouldn't be able to walk normally since she against the gravity. If she wished to, she need some materials from Down to make her body balanced the gravity in Down. But it would be obtained for limited times or if not, she will burn.

Adam Kirk, an orphaned from Down lived in seedy neighborhood and unhealthy environment with waste oil from Up, fallen in love with Eden Moore from Up where the perfection of sophisticated living found. They met in the mountain top, the closest place in which could unite people from the different planets. But, it's strictly forbidden for people from the planets to meet up. When Adam pulled Eden towards Down with rope and he carry her on his shoulder, they got caught by Down's authority. It's too late for Adam to send Eden back to Up since one man shoot him caused the rope detached and Eden fallen down, bleeding in her head.

Ten years later, Adam working on anti-aging cream with his aunty's secret recipe. One day, he watched news from Up on TV that there's a chance opened for people to work in TransWorld, the biggest company which was the only place connecting Up and Down in where people from Up and Down could work there. With his anti-aging project, Adam got hired in the company purposely to meet Eden. With his friend's help, Bob, Adam could meet her but Eden suffering amnesia and didn't know who Adam was.

Shortly, Adam's efforts to make Eden remembered him was success. But, Up's authority found Adam was someone against Up's rules and chased after him. He escaped by plunging to the sea since he started to burn and the best scene displayed! Remember that it's needed material from other planet to walk normally in there? Adam took off the materials stick in his cloth and then Down's gravity pulled him from the water and cast his body through the cloud to the sea in Down. Cool!!

TransWorld negotiated to take the secret recipe from Adam and he would be freed from the charge, but would never be allowed to see Eden. Back to Down, Adam thought he would never see Eden anymore, but Bob surprised him by walking in front of him, in Down, without any special matter. Bob said he successes to complete Adam's recipe to make people from the different planets didn't need to against the gravity if visited other planet and he had the patent of the product before TransWorld. And another surprise was Eden was waiting for him in one place, told him she was pregnant twins baby.

They didn't show how Bob create a way to negate the gravity effect with Adam's recipe and was it that easy to compete a company as giant as TransWorld alone?

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