Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

My First CPNS Test

Went to Grand Indonesia in Saturday night

Just back from Jakarta to take the civil servants entrance exam in Foreign Ministry with Hanum and we were accompanied by my sister and her friend, Kak Dina. I actually don't have a good feeling to write this as my score made me down so badly. But I can't resist what an enjoyable trip I had in Jakarta and it's my first time being in the capital of my beloved country. 

My sister's Hainan Chicken when having lunch in Central Park before heading to airport And the right picture is my order, Kung Pao Chicken.

We went on Saturday morning and Kak Dina's brother picked us up in the airport and then drove us to the hotel which had been booked by Bang Abet, our neighbor working in MenPAN. Bang Abet is Melda's older brother. The Sumatrans were scheduled to have the exam on Monday, so we had two days to enjoy the trip. 

Except the exam itself, everything made me happy in the city surrounded by so many skyscrapers. Beautiful malls which I never see in Medan LOL, neat and clean environment, friendly taxi drivers, yummy culinary, didn't need to bother to haggle when shopping in Tanah Abang like there's no tomorrow and of course nice people we met there who helped us a lot. They are our friends and neighbors, though. TeeHee. And I was not that bothered by Jakarta's deadly traffic jam. Haha

I and Hanum persuaded my sister to ride Bajaj. Hey! We're in Jakarta, so bajaj was a must to try. There's no bajaj in Medan. Lol. But she just replied: "Just go by yourselves". Then I asked her how about Kopaja? We also need to try it. And we got a silent treatment. Lol. But we tried to ride a, what was it called? The blue one larger than bajaj. That's nice. Lol.

Bang Abet accompanied us to see the test location and then treated us diner in Senayan City. In the last day, we had to check out from the hotel. I who got the first session test, packed our stuffs and Hanum who got the second one, picked up by her YM Forum friends who then drove us to airport. Having lunch in Central Park before heading to airport.

They are funny, kind and friendly! Thanks for your kindness, guys. We love Jakarta!! But for me, Jakarta is a heaven if you have much, much money. Lol.

12 komentar

  1. wah, berasa gimana gitu. Belum pernah ke jakarta sih :D

    btw itu beneran gak terganggu sama kemacetan jakarta? super sekalii...

  2. ngelewati macetnya Jakarta sambil tidur sih. haha

  3. Endingnya bener bgt.. Klo nggak bawa banyak uang nggak ada enaknya ke jakarta

  4. @Risah
    Emang kemana2 juga enaknya bawa duid banyak kan? haha

  5. jadi nyesek.. gag pernah ke jakarta lgi udah 9 tahunan... -_-

  6. wihiii, yang mau jadi PNS. mengabdi kepada negara hehehe

    itu makanannnya enak enak banget keliatannya. jadi pengen :|


  8. ngelihat makanannya itu bikin aku ngileeer.. pengen ... keliatannya lezat banget tuhhh.. ah Jakarta bgaimana rasanya ya? belum pernah injakkan kaki ke ibukota

  9. Kakak, keren banget. Semoga diterima ya dikemenlu. Amin...

    Tahun depan insya allah saya mau coba juga. Hehehe.

  10. liaaa...long time no see...
    gapapa lah bad score..
    yg pnting pngalaman muter2 dan wisata kuliner di jakartanya..ahaha

    bta, I-absolutely-agree with your last sentence... jakarta is a heaven if we have much...much money...karena disana harganya kdang mencekik...

  11. @Dwi
    Asal Jakarta kamu ya?

    Amiinn. Doain yah.
    Jujur aja makanannya gak seenak penampilannya.

    Sekalian latihan Fie. hehe

    Iya, Jakarta keren banget. Tapi rada mahal harga disana.

    Iya, Amiin.
    Makasih ya. Good luck juga buat kamu.

    Nice to see you again, Mif.
    Iya, ngarepin lulus n sekalian pengalaman juga. haha

  12. why there's not any pictures when you and your groups ride a bajaj? -_-

