Rabu, 10 April 2013

Our Deepest Condolence

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

'Surely we belong to God and to Him shall we return'

Big condolences for Chang over her dad’s pass away. Hopefully his dad’s charity and worship will be accepted by Allah SWT. May Allah bless their family and give the greatest possibly patience for them. It can happen to everyone so hope the best for our best friend and her family.

My morning was shocked by Chang’s short message. She texted me with only two words (in Bahasa) “My dad had passed away”. My body was shook and almost cry. Just yesterday we laughed together at my home. Even she said that she planned to clean up her dad today. But.. It's the fate.  I texted and phoned Auliya but she didn’t reply nor answer them. So I phoned her home’s number then I could speak with her ask what time we went to Chang’s home. Initially she didn’t know the sad news though Chang had texted her because she was still slept. Yutri was in Kerinci so she couldn't attend the funeral and said maybe next week when she already home she will come to visit Chang.
I went to Au’s home and together we visit Chang’s home. Okay, no more talk. Of course only tears and prays we had there. Luckily Chang is a strong girl. Not too long to wait her common sense back. She still could smile and talk normally. Even she helped bathing her dad's body and we couldn't stand for tears when she and her two sisters kissed their dad for the last time. And she had more tears while standing to have prayer in congregation for her dad.

So tired we were there from morning to afternoon till the whole processes done. But it's really really small compared to our happiness could be by her side when she need us.
We know how she loves her dad. How she was so so so close with him.. Even I almost get tears while typing this. But our precious Chang should be strong.. Should be Happy.. Should be success like her dad’s wishes.

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